handicap ['hæn.dɪ.kæp] noun CONDITION 情况 countable or uncountable slightly old-fashioned ■something that is wrong with your mind or body permanently (精神或肉体的)残疾,缺陷•a physical handicap身体残疾 •In cases of severe mental handicap, constant supervision is recommended.对于严重的智障病人,建议进行不间断的监护。 ['hæn.dɪ.kæp] noun DIFFICULTY 困难 countable ■something which makes it difficult for you to do something 障碍,阻碍•I found not having a car quite a handicap in the country.我发现在这个国家没有汽车非常不方便。 ['hæn.dɪ.kæp] noun COMPETITION 竞争 countable ■a disadvantage given to a person taking part in a game or competition in order to reduce their chances of winning, or a sports event in which such disadvantages are given (让步赛中对强者施加的)不利条件;让步赛,让分比赛•Handicaps give people with different abilities an equal chance of winning.让步赛给具有不同能力的人同等的获胜机会。 •My current golf handicap is nine.我现在的高尔夫让分是九杆。 ['hæn.dɪ.kæp] verb transitive (-pp-) ■to make something more difficult to do 阻碍•Rescue efforts have been handicapped by rough seas and hurricane-force winds.救援工作受到了大浪和飓风的阻碍。 |