area UK ['eə.ri.ə] US ['er.i-] noun PLACE 地方 ESSENTIAL countable ■a particular part of a place, piece of land or country 地区;区域•All areas of the country will have some rain tonight.今晚全国所有地区都将有降雨。 •The area of New York to the south of Houston Street is known as Soho.纽约休斯顿街以南区域被称为苏活区。 •Houses in the London area (= in and around London) are very expensive.伦敦地区的房价很高。 •He's an area manager (= is responsible for business in a particular part of the country or world) for a computer company.他是一家电脑公司的区域经理。 •This is a very poor area.这是一个非常贫困的地区。 •Dogs are not allowed in the children's play area.不许将狗带入儿童游乐区。 UK ['eə.ri.ə] US ['er.i-] noun SUBJECT 学科 ESSENTIAL countable ■a subject or activity, or a part of it 领域;范围;方面•Marketing is Paul's area.市场行销属于保罗的职责范围。 •Software is not really my area of expertise.软体并不属于我的专业范围。 UK ['eə.ri.ə] US ['er.i-] noun MEASURE 测量 ADVANCED countable or uncountable ■the size of a flat surface calculated by multiplying its length by its width 面积•the area of a rectangle长方形的面积 •Meadow Farm is 50 square kilometres in area.“绿地农庄”面积50平方公里。 UK ['eə.ri.ə] US ['er.i-] noun in the area/region of ■approximately 大约,大概,左右•The repair work will cost in the area of £200.修理费大概要200英镑。 |