hack [hæk] verb CUT 切 intransitive or transitive [+ adv/prep] ■to cut into pieces in a rough and violent way, often without aiming exactly 砍,切,劈•Three villagers were hacked to death in a savage attack.三名村民在一场野蛮打斗中被砍死。 •Don't just hack (away) at the bread - cut it properly!不要乱切面包——好好地切! •The butcher hacked off a large chunk of meat.屠夫砍下了一大块肉。 •figurative The article had been hacked about (= carelessly changed) so much it was scarcely recognizable.被大刀阔斧地删改之后,这篇文章几乎面目全非了。 transitive usually + adverb or preposition UK ■in football and rugby, to kick the ball away or to foul (= act against the rules) by kicking another player in the leg (足球或橄榄球运动中)将(球)踢出,踢(人)犯规•Platt was twice hacked down in the second half by the other team's sweeper.普拉特在下半场两次被对方的自由中卫铲倒。 [hæk] verb COMPUTING 电脑技术 intransitive usually + adverb or preposition ■to get into someone else's computer system without permission in order to find out information or do something illegal 未经允许侵入他人的电脑系统(来窃取资讯或从事非法勾当)•Computer hacking has become very widespread over the last decade.电脑骇客现象在过去十年里非常普遍。 •A programmer had managed to hack into some top-secret government data.一个程式设计师设法用骇客手段窃取了一些绝对机密的政府资料。 [hæk] verb MANAGE 处理 transitive usually in negatives informal ■to manage to deal successfully with something 对付,处理•I tried working on the night shift for a while, but I just couldn't hack it.我试着上了一段时间的夜班,但还是受不了。 [hæk] verb HORSE 马 intransitive usually + adverb or preposition (also go hacking) ■to ride a horse in the countryside (在乡间)骑马 [hæk] verb Phrasal Verbs hack sb off mainly UK informal ■to make someone feel annoyed 激怒(某人)•He leaves all the difficult stuff for me to do and it really hacks me off.他把所有的难题都留给我,真把我惹恼了。 [hæk] noun countable WRITER 作家 disapproving ■a journalist (= writer for newspapers or magazines) whose work is low in quality or does not have much imagination 雇佣文人(捉刀者; 写手)(指受雇为报刊撰写庸俗文章者)•Fleet Street hacks舰队街的写手 [hæk] noun countable POLITICIAN 政客 disapproving ■a politician, especially one who is not important (尤指无足轻重的)政客•tired old party hacks迂腐的老政客 [hæk] noun countable HORSE 马 ■a ride on a horse in the countryside 乡间骑马 [hæk] noun countable DRIVER/CAR 驾驶者/汽车 US informal ■(the driver of) a car which is available for rent, especially a taxi 供出租的汽车;计程车司机 |