grovel UK ['grɒv.əl] US ['grɑ:.vəl] (-ll- or US USUALLY -l-) verb intransitive TRY TO PLEASE 竭力取悦 ■to behave with too much respect towards someone to show them that you are very eager to please them 卑躬屈膝;奴颜婢膝;俯首贴耳•He sent a grovelling note of apology.他寄去了一封低三下四的道歉信。 UK ['grɒv.əl] US ['grɑ:.vəl] (-ll- or US USUALLY -l-) verb intransitive MOVE 移动 ■to move close to or on the ground 匍匐前进;爬行•I was grovelling under the sofa, trying to find my contact lens.我正爬到沙发底下找我的隐形眼镜。 |