gloss UK [glɒs] US [glɑ:s] noun APPEARANCE 外表 [S or U] ■a smooth shiny appearance on the surface of something, or paint or a similar substance which produces this appearance 光亮,光泽;亮光漆;用以产生光泽的物质•Marble can be polished to a high gloss.大理石可以被磨得非常光滑。 •This varnish provides a long-lasting and hard-wearing gloss finish.用这种清漆做亮光漆可以使表面光亮、持久、耐磨。 •lip gloss唇彩 •We'll need a litre of gloss (paint)to cover the woodwork.我们得用一公升亮光漆来涂一下木建部分。 UK [glɒs] US [glɑ:s] noun EXPLANATION 解释 countable ■an explanation for a word or phrase 注释;评注•Difficult expressions are explained in the glosses at the bottom of the page.难以理解的词组在页脚都有注释。 UK [glɒs] US [glɑ:s] noun put a gloss on sth ■to emphasize the good parts of something that has been done, especially those which are to your advantage, and to avoid the bad parts (尤指出于私心而)突出…的好处,夸饰…好的一面,粉饰•Politics is all about putting a good gloss on unpleasant or difficult situations.政治无非就是用粉饰太平的手段来掩饰令人不快或困难的局面。 UK [glɒs] US [glɑ:s] noun take the gloss off sth ■to make an event or occasion less special and enjoyable 煞…的风景;使黯然失色;使逊色•The bad weather really took the gloss off our trip to the zoo.糟糕的天气着实破坏了我们去动物园玩的兴致。 UK [glɒs] US [glɑ:s] verb transitive ■to provide an explanation for a word or phrase 给…加注释(或注解)•In the school edition of the book, the older and more rare words have been glossed.这本书的教学用版本对一些较古老和较生僻的词作了注释。 UK [glɒs] US [glɑ:s] verb transitive Phrasal Verbs gloss over sth ■to avoid considering something, such as an embarrassing mistake, to make it seem not important, and to quickly continue talking about something else 搪塞;掩盖•She glossed over the company's fall in profits.她掩饰了公司利润下降的问题。 •The film was well researched, but it glossed over the important issues.这部电影搜集了大量真实的资料,但是它却避开了一些重要的问题。 |