appraise [ə'preɪz] verb transitive ■to examine someone or something in order to judge their qualities, success or needs 评定;鉴定;估价;评价•At the end of each teaching practice, trainee teachers are asked to appraise their own performance.在每次教学实习结束时,都要求实习教师对自己的表现作自我评定。 •In co-operation with other professionals, social workers will appraise the individual's needs.社会工作者将与其他专业人士携手合作,对个体的需要作出评估。 •He coolly appraised the situation , deciding which person would be most likely to succeed.他冷静地审时度势,判断哪个人最可能获得胜利。 US for * value (MONEY) •The ring was appraised at $40, 000.这枚戒指估价为四万美元。 |