apply [ə'plaɪ] verb REQUEST 请求 IMPROVER intransitive ■to request something, usually officially, especially by writing or sending in a form (尤指透过书面或表格形式)申请,请求•By the time I saw the job advertised it was already too late to apply.我看到招聘广告的时候,已经太晚了,错过了应征时机。 •Please apply in writing to the address below.请将书面申请寄到以下地址。 •We've applied to a charitable organization for a grant for the project.我们已经向一个慈善组织提出申请,要求其对这个计划提供资助。 •[+ to infinitive] Tim's applied to join the police.蒂姆已报名做员警。 [ə'plaɪ] verb RELATE TO 涉及 IMPROVER intransitive ■(especially of rules or laws) to have a connection or be important (尤指规章法律)适用,有关,涉及•That bit of the form is for UK citizens - it doesn't apply to you.表格的那一项是给英国公民填的——和你无关。 •Those were old regulations - they don't apply any more.那些都是旧规定,不再适用了。 [ə'plaɪ] verb USE 用 transitive ■to make use of something or use it for a practical purpose 使用,运用,应用•He wants a job in which he can apply his foreign languages.他想找一份可以用到他的多门外语知识的工作。 •The court heard how the driver had failed to apply his brakes in time.法庭听司机陈述了他如何没能及时刹车的原委。 •If you apply pressure to a cut it's meant to stop the bleeding.如果你按压住伤口,就会止住流血。 [ə'plaɪ] verb PUT ON 放在…上面 transitive ■to spread or rub a substance such as cream or paint on a surface 涂,敷•Apply the suntan cream liberally to exposed areas every three hours and after swimming.每三小时及游泳后将防晒霜充分涂抹于身体裸露部位。 •The paint should be applied thinly and evenly.油漆应该薄薄地刷上一层,且要涂得均匀。 [ə'plaɪ] verb WORK HARD 努力工作 apply yourself [R] ■If you apply yourself to something, you work hard at it, directing your abilities and efforts in a determined way so that you succeed 勤奋,努力•You can solve any problem if you apply yourself.如果你努力,任何问题都能解决。 |