fudge [fʌdʒ] noun SWEET 糖果 uncountable ■a soft sweet made from sugar, butter and milk 奶油软糖 [fʌdʒ] noun AVOID 避免 countable usually singular ■a plan or action which avoids making a clear decision or giving a clear answer 含混其词(避免作出明确决定或清晰答覆)•She suspects that this compromise deal will be nothing more than a fudge.她怀疑这种折衷的协定只不过是在敷衍而已。 •It's a bit of a fudge but we could put the cost through on next year's budget.虽然有点蒙混嫌疑,我们还是可以把开销转入明年的预算中。 [fʌdʒ] verb transitive mainly disapproving ■to avoid making a decision or giving a clear answer about something 迴避;搪塞;敷衍;含糊其词•The government continues to fudge the issue by refusing to give exact figures.政府一直回避这一问题,拒绝给出准确的资料。 |