follower UK ['fɒl.əʊ.ər] US ['fɑ:.loʊ.ɚ] noun countable SUPPORTER 支持者 ■someone who has a great interest in something 支持者,拥护者•They are keen followers of their local football team.他们是当地足球队的死忠球迷。 ■someone who supports, admires or believes in a particular person, group or idea 拥护者;信徒•a follower of Jesus基督的信徒 •followers of the Dalai Lama/Buddhism达赖喇嘛(或佛教)的信徒 UK ['fɒl.əʊ.ər] US ['fɑ:.loʊ.ɚ] noun countable PERSON WHO OBEYS 追随者 ■a person who does what someone else does or tells them to do 遵从者;追随者•Be a leader, not a follower!做领导者,不做追随者! |