fold UK [fəʊld] US [foʊld] verb BEND 弯曲 IMPROVER intransitive or transitive ■to bend something, especially paper or cloth, so that one part of it lies on the other part, or to be able to be bent in this way 折叠,对折(尤指纸或布);可折叠;可对折•I folded the letter (in half) and put it in an envelope.我把信对折后装进一个信封里。 •He had a neatly folded handkerchief in his jacket pocket.他的上衣口袋里有一方叠得整整齐齐的手帕。 •Will you help me to fold (up)the sheets?你能帮我把床单叠起来吗? transitive ■to wrap 包,裹•She folded her baby in a blanket.她把婴儿裹在一块毯子里。 •He folded his arms around her.他用双臂搂住了她。 fold your arms IMPROVER ■to bring your arms close to your chest and hold them together 双臂交叉在胸前 transitive ■to move a part of your body into a position where it is close to your body 盘起,交叠•She sat with her legs folded under her.她盘腿而坐。 UK [fəʊld] US [foʊld] verb FAIL 失败 intransitive ■(of a business) to close because of failure (企业)倒闭•Many small businesses fold within the first year.许多小公司在第一年就倒闭了。 UK [fəʊld] US [foʊld] verb Phrasal Verbs fold sth in/fold sth into something ■(in cooking) to mix a substance into another substance by turning it gently with a spoon (烹调中)把…调入,拌入•Fold the egg whites into the cake mixture.把蛋白调入蛋糕混合物。 •Fold in the flour.拌入面粉。 UK [fəʊld] US [foʊld] noun countable BEND 弯曲 ■a line or mark where paper, cloth, etc. was or is folded (纸、布的)褶线,褶痕•Make a fold across the centre of the card.在卡片中间折一道线。 ■specialized ■a bend in a layer of rock under the Earth's surface caused by movement there (地壳岩层的)褶皱 UK [fəʊld] US [foʊld] noun countable SHELTER 遮蔽处 ■a small area of a field surrounded by a fence where sheep can be put for shelter for the night 羊栏,羊圈 the fold ■your home or an organization where you feel you belong 家;所属的组织•Her children are all away at college now, but they always return to the fold in the holidays.她的孩子们现在全都离家上大学了,但是他们假期总是都回来。 |