faithful ['feɪθ.fəl] adjective LOYAL 忠诚的 ADVANCED ■loyal 忠诚的;忠实的•a faithful friend忠诚的朋友 •They are faithful supporters of the Labour Party.他们是工党的忠实拥护者。 •His faithful old dog accompanied him everywhere he went.无论去哪里,他那只忠诚的老狗总是陪伴左右。 ADVANCED ■If your husband, wife or partner is faithful, they do not have a sexual relationship with anyone else (配偶或性伴侣)忠诚的,忠贞的•Was your wife faithful during your marriage?你的妻子婚后忠诚吗? •He was faithful to his wife throughout their 30-year marriage.在30年的婚姻生活中,他一直忠于妻子。 faithful to sth ■continuing to support or follow something 对…忠诚•He remained faithful to the president's regime when so many others spoke out against it.在很多人都公开反对这个总统执政时,他仍效忠于他。 •Despite persecution, she remained faithful to her beliefs.尽管受到迫害,她仍忠于她的信仰。 ['feɪθ.fəl] adjective ACCURATE 准确的 ■true or not changing any of the details, facts, style, etc. of the original 如实的,丝毫不作改动的•She gave a faithful account of what had happened on that night.她如实讲述了那晚发生的事情。 •I have tried to keep my translation as faithful as possible to the original book.我尽力使我的翻译忠实于原著。 ['feɪθ.fəl] adjective RELIGIOUS 宗教 ■following a particular religion 虔诚的•faithful Christians虔诚的基督徒 •faithful followers of Buddhism佛教的忠实信徒 ['feɪθ.fəl] noun SUPPORTER 支持者 countable ■someone who continues to support someone or something 忠实支持者•He gave a rousing speech to a room full of party faithfuls.他向满屋子的该政党拥护者发表了激动人心的讲话。 ['feɪθ.fəl] noun RELIGIOUS PEOPLE 信徒 ['feɪθ.fəl] plural noun the faithful ■people who are always loyal to a particular group or organization, especially a political party 忠实信徒;(尤指政党的)忠诚支持者•They asked for donations from the party faithful.他们要求忠诚的党员捐款。 ■the people who believe in a particular religion 虔诚信众,忠实信徒•We heard bells calling the faithful to prayer.我们听到召集信徒去祈祷的钟声。 |