rot UK [rɒt] US [rɑ:t] verb intransitive or transitive (-tt-) ADVANCED ■to (cause to) decay (使)腐败;(使)腐烂;(使)腐朽•The fruit had been left to rot on the trees.水果无人采摘,就烂在树上。 •Rain has got in and rotted (away) the woodwork.雨水漏了进来,使屋中的木建部分都朽烂了。 •the smell of rotting fruit烂水果的味道 UK [rɒt] US [rɑ:t] verb intransitive or transitive (-tt-) rot in jail/prison, etc. ■to stay in prison/etc. for a very long time 长期坐牢,饱受牢狱之苦,在监牢中逐渐憔悴•Ruben Carter was left to rot in jail for most of his life.鲁宾.卡特的大半生都是在牢狱中度过的。 UK [rɒt] US [rɑ:t] noun uncountable ■decay 腐败;腐烂;腐朽•Rot has got into the furniture.家俱开始朽坏。 ■old-fashioned informal ■nonsense 废话;愚蠢的话•"Don't talk rot!"“别说废话!” UK [rɒt] US [rɑ:t] noun uncountable the rot sets in informal ■(of a situation) to begin to go wrong (情况)开始恶化,变糟•The rot set in when his parents divorced and he started taking drugs.他的父母离婚了,他又开始吸毒,自此后他的生活就开始变得一团糟。 UK [rɒt] US [rɑ:t] noun uncountable stop the rot ■to take action against something bad, before it spreads and becomes worse 制止事态的恶化•We must try to stop the rot before the whole school is corrupted.我们一定要在整个学校都被毁掉之前采取行动。 |