extract verb transitive /ɪkˈstrækt/ ADVANCED ■to remove or take out something 取出;拔出;提取•They used to extract iron ore from this site.他们曾经在这个地方开采铁矿。 •The oil which is extracted from olives is used for cooking.这种橄揽油是用于烹饪的。 •The tooth was eventually extracted.那只牙终于拔掉了。 ■to make someone give you something when they do not want to 强索;设法获取•After much persuasion they managed to extract the information from him.花了好一阵力气说服之后,他们终于从他那里得到了情报。 noun]ˈek.strækt/ PLANT 植物 ADVANCED countable or uncountable ■a substance taken from a plant, flower, etc. and used especially in food or medicine (尤指食物或药物的)提出物,精华,汁•malt/yeast extract麦芽精/酵母膏 •The cream contained extracts of/from several plants.这种护肤霜中含有几种植物萃取精华。 noun]ˈek.strækt/ WRITING 文章 ADVANCED countable ■a particular part of a book, poem, etc. that is chosen so that it can be used in a discussion, article, etc 摘录;选段;引文•They published an extract from his autobiography.他们刊登了他自传的一段节录。 |