royal ['rɔɪ.əl] adjective ESSENTIAL (written abbreviation r) ■belonging or connected to a king or queen or a member of their family 国王的;女王的;王室的•the royal family王室 •a royal visit国王(或女王)的访问 ■good or excellent, as if intended for or typical of royalty 很好的;第一流的;似君王的•The team was given a royal reception/welcome.球队受到了隆重的欢迎。 ■mainly US ■big or great 极大的;极度的•a royal pain/a royal mess剧痛/脏乱透顶 ['rɔɪ.əl] noun countable usually plural informal ■a member of the royal family 王室成员•The press follow the royals everywhere.王室成员们到哪里,新闻记者们就跟到哪里。 |