evenly ['i:.vən.li] adverb CALMLY 平静地 ■If you say something evenly, you speak without showing emotion in your voice although you are angry or not satisfied in some way 平静地,镇定地,平和地•"We are not terrorists," he said evenly. "We are freedom fighters."“我们不是恐怖分子,”他镇定地说,“我们是自由斗士。” ['i:.vən.li] adverb EQUALLY 均等 ■in or into equal amounts 平均;均等•Divide the mixture evenly between the baking pans.将混合物分成等份放在烤盘中。 •Congress is still evenly divided on the issue.在这个问题上,国会仍旧分成两个阵营,旗鼓相当。 |