editorial UK [ˌed.ɪ'tɔ:.ri.əl] US [-ə'tɔ:r.i-] noun countable (UK also leader) (leading article) ■an article in a newspaper which expresses the editor's opinion on a subject of particular interest at the present time 社论,社评•All the papers deal with the same subject in their editorials.所有的报纸都针对同一问题发表了社论。 UK [ˌed.ɪ'tɔ:.ri.əl] US [-ə'tɔ:r.i-] adjective ■relating to editors or editing, or to the editor of a newspaper or magazine 编辑的;主编的;编者的•editorial staff编辑人员 •Editorial decisions are generally made by senior editors.通常由资深编辑们来决定编务事宜。 •It's plain reporting of the facts - there's not much editorial content (= opinion).那只是纯粹的事实报道,没有多少评论内容。 |