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盒子创造世界更新说明#新增若干有趣的新地图等你探索 #优化操作, 支持创造&生存模式 快来试试这款免费的沙盒游戏,创造我们的世界吧!游戏灵感来源于我的世界 你遗落在一个方块的世界中。这里有数百种不同的方块和各种有趣的工具,当然还有有趣的动物和怪物。你可以建造/游览宫殿,飞船或者迷宫,或者进行有趣的探索游戏。唯一的限制就是你的想象力! 游戏支持中文显示。您的好评与支持是我们持续进步的最大动力! Come and join the explore, mine, craft, build and survival in MineBuild! Build on the move, Dig blocks, Mine resources, Craft hundreds of items, Travel day and Survive at night! Go to the underworld to find amazing things! remember to eat or drink, dont fall down from high place or stay in the water for a long time, or you'll be kill! check some multiplayer worlds when you connect to Wifi. Features: Very realistic gameplay; The research and travel, construction and mining resources in a square world. Craft items from raw materials, farming and development. Redstone; Fly and speeding; Single player, Multiplayer for dozens of players, using servers located users; Many monsters and animals; Very realistic light; Almost infinite peace and beautiful map generator. |