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标题 | 升级Win11 22509.1000下载错误0x80888002怎么办? |
分类 | 软件教程 |
内容 | 就在今天凌晨,微软公司发布了最新的Windows11 Dev预览版22509.1000版本,但是不少用户在今日更新的时候却反复提示下载错误0x80888002,遇到这种问题我们要怎么解决呢?下面小编就带着大家一起看看吧! ![]() 系统之家www.xitongzhijia.net原创,转载需注明出处。 方法一:替换文件法。 首先用户需要下载旧版的自动屏蔽PTM 2.0工具,并在检查更新的时候选择开启。 下载地址: 下载完成后,在电脑桌面新建一个名称为【AppraiserRes. dll】文件。 ![]() 在开始检查更新的时候,打开电脑C盘可以看到多出来两个文件夹,打开$WINDOWS.~BT\\Sources ![]() 当自动更新到8%的时候,将桌面的【AppraiserRes. dll】文件复制到C:\\$WINDOWS.~BT\\Sources文件夹,即可。 ![]() 方法二:删除文件法 首先用户需要下载旧版的自动屏蔽PTM 2.0工具,并在检查更新的时候选择开启。 下载地址: 在开始检查更新的时候,打开电脑C盘可以看到多出来两个文件夹,打开$WINDOWS.~BT\\Sources ![]() 当自动更新到8%的时候,将C:\\$WINDOWS.~BT\\Sources文件夹中【AppraiserRes. dll】文件删除即可。 方法三: 电脑桌面新建一个文本文档,后缀名改为.cmd文件。 ![]() 更改后,复制以下代码进入文件中并保存。
@(set "0=%~f0"^)#) & powershell -nop -c iex([io.file]::ReadAllText(:0)) & exit/b#:: double-click to run or just copy-paste into powershell - it's a standalone hybrid script#:: v1 of the toggle script works perfectly fine for most people with a non-botched windows installation#:: uses a fast, fileless wmi subscription to watch for the Virtual Disk Service Loader process running during setup,#:: then launches a cmd erase of appraiserres.dll - that's all there is to it, no rocket science, just a great implementation#:: you probably don't need to have it installed at all times - just when doing feature updates or manual setup within windows#:: hence the on off toggle just by running the script again= {= 'Skip TPM Check on Dynamic Update'; =$0 = sp 'HKLM:\\SYSTEM\\Setup\\MoSetup' 'AllowUpgradesWithUnsupportedTPMOrCPU' 1 -type dword -force -ea 0$0 = ri 'HKLM:\\SOFTWARE\\Microsoft\\Windows NT\\CurrentVersion\\Image File Execution Options\\vdsldr.exe' -force -ea 0$0 = sc.exe config Winmgmt start= demand; sp HKLM:\\SOFTWARE\\Microsoft\\Wbem 'Enable Costly Providers' 0 -type dword -force -ea 0= gwmi -Class __FilterToConsumerBinding -Namespace 'root\\subscription' -Filter "Filter = ""''""" -ea 0= gwmi -Class CommandLineEventConsumer -Namespace 'root\\subscription' -Filter "Name=''" -ea 0= gwmi -Class __EventFilter -NameSpace 'root\\subscription' -Filter "Name=''" -ea 0if () { | rwmi; = } ; if () { | rwmi; = } ; if () { | rwmi; = }if () { write-host -fore 0xf -back 0xd "`n [REMOVED] run again to install "; timeout /t 5; return }= "$([environment]::SystemDirectory)\\cmd.exe"; = " /q (c) AveYo, 2021 /d /rerase appraiserres.dll /f /s /q"= "$():\\`.~BT"; = "SELECT SessionID from Win32_ProcessStartTrace WHERE ProcessName='vdsldr.exe'"= swmi -Class __EventFilter -NameSpace 'root\\subscription' -args @{Name = ; EventNameSpace = 'root\\cimv2'; QueryLanguage = 'WQL'; Query = } -PutType 2 -ea 0= swmi -Class CommandLineEventConsumer -Namespace 'root\\subscription' -args @{Name = ; WorkingDirectory = ; ExecutablePath = ; CommandLineTemplate = ; Priority = 128} -PutType 2 -ea 0= swmi -Class __FilterToConsumerBinding -Namespace 'root\\subscription' -args @{Filter=;Consumer=} -PutType 2 -ea 0write-host -fore 0xf -back 0x2 "`n [INSTALLED] run again to remove "; timeout /t 5} ; start -verb runas powershell -args "-nop -c & {`n`n$(-replace'"','\\"')}"#:: 之后,以管理员的身份运行.cmd文件。 ![]() 运行结束后,点击检查更新。 然后再电脑桌面新建一个空白的【AppraiserRes.dll】文件。 ![]() 等待更新到8%时,电脑C盘将会多出两个文件夹。 ![]() 迅速打开C:\\$WINDOWS.~BT\\Sources并将【AppraiserRes.dll】文件复制到该目录即可。 升级Win11 22509.1000下载错误0x80888002怎么办?漫山遍野杂乱无目不转睛章13. 缘分,不受空间领域时间的限制,它是自由的载体,游离于心魂之间。时间越久,发现相似之处越多,简直就如同遇见另一个自己。而且,遇见的那个自己随时可给自己倾注新的源泉,如沐清风,如遇天象奇观。自从有了这样的情愫入住心底,心每一天都清喜。晨起月落,时光在流逝,情自然叠加。彼此从来不需约定,心却从不离间。37.无可非议 blameless / beyond reproach385.落红不是无情物,化作春泥更护花。《己亥杂诗》 菩萨蛮 辛弃疾今之新图有二马。复令识者久叹嗟。Win11,22509.1000,0x80888002This assumption overlooks other criteria for determining a bridge’s importance - such as the number of commuters using the bridge, the role of the bridge in local emergencies and disasters, and the impact that bridge closure would have on the economies of nearby cities. |
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