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电视剧 [BT下载][见证灾难自然 NG Witness Disaster][全03集][英语无字][MKV][720P][WEB-RAW] 剧集 2012 美国 纪录 全集
分类 电视剧下载
介绍     [BT下载][见证灾难自然 NG Witness Disaster][全03集][英语无字][MKV][720P][WEB-RAW] 剧集 2012 美国 纪录 全集 五颜六色八面玲珑化干戈为玉帛8. 那个名叫“失败”的妈妈,其实不一定生的出名叫“成功”的孩子——除非她能先找到那位名为“反省”的爸爸。记忆新单词最好的方法是每天操练这些单词。杜甫179.穷年忧黎元,叹息肠内热。《自京赴奉先县咏怀五百字》



National Geographic presents dramatic images and stories and takes you to the front-line to witness some of the worst natural disasters around the world. Eyewitness accounts and never-before-seen footage reveal the devastation and tragedy caused by deadly earthquake and tsunami, and see what happens inside the heart of a whirling tornado.
'Witness Disaster' uses a range of footage to capture natural disasters as they happen. We use amateur footage, photographs, news reports, raw documentary shots and CCTV footage to piece together the story of each event in a unique and compelling style. Our footage is supported by interviews with those who actually experienced the disaster. They tell the story of what happened, as it happened, from a first hand perspective. These interviews, alongside the footage, allow the viewer to be drawn into the event and gauge what it was like to actually experience it. We use very limited narration, so our stories are told purely through the film that we have gathered and the voice of our interviewees.


Produced by Siskel/Jacobs Productions for National Geographic Channels

由 Siskel/Jacobs Productions 为国家地理频道制作

1)  Disaster in Japan
On March 11, 2011, a 9.0 magnitude earthquake struck 75 miles off the northeastern coast of Japan, violently shaking Tokyo more than two hundred miles away.
Almost immediately, tsunami warnings blared, urging residents along Japan's coast to move to higher ground. For the next several hours, residents watched in stunned horror as a series of massive waves slammed into the coast, inundating entire towns and laying waste to everything in their path. Throughout, amateur videographers, news crews, government agencies, tourists, and countless others were capturing the sights and sounds of the unfolding catastrophe.
Aired just a month after the events took place, Witness: Disaster in Japan weaves together this harrowing footage, reconstructing the earthquake and tsunami as they happened, through the eyes of those who experienced them.

2011 年 3 月 11 日,日本东北海岸 75 英里处发生 9.0 级地震,在 200 多英里外的东京猛烈震动。

2)  Tornado Swarm 2011
April 2011 was the most violent month of tornadoes on record, and the deadliest in modern times. From Texas to New York, more than 700 tornadoes caused widespread damage and loss of life. The \\"super outbreak\\" of April 26-28 alone involved over three hundred separate twisters, killing hundreds of people and cutting a swath of destruction across the south.
Using dozens of amateur and professional sources, Witness: Tornado Swarm 2011 tells the story of this once-in-a-century event, as captured by those who lived through it. The show takes viewers to Shaw University in Raleigh, North Carolina as a powerful tornado tears though the campus; inside St. Louis' Lambert International Airport, where a large tornado slams into its busy concourses while unsuspecting travelers await their flights; and finally to Alabama, where a monstrous, half-mile wide twister barrels through the city of Tuscaloosa, killing 65 and causing an estimated S100 million in damage.
Constructed entirely out of raw footage, Witness: Tornado Swarm 2011 is a harrowing reminder of the awesome power of nature's fury.

2011 年 4 月是有记录以来最猛烈的龙卷风月份,也是现代最致命的月份。从德克萨斯到纽约,超过 700 次龙卷风造成了广泛的破坏和生命损失。仅 4 月 26 日至 28 日的“超级爆发”就涉及 300 多个独立的龙卷风,造成数百人死亡,并在南部造成大片破坏。
《见证:龙卷风群 2011》利用数十个业余和专业资源,讲述了这一百年一遇的事件的故事,被那些经历过的人所捕捉。该节目将观众带到北卡罗来纳州罗利的逸夫大学,一场强大的龙卷风撕裂了校园;在圣路易斯兰伯特国际机场内,一场巨大的龙卷风猛烈袭击了繁忙的大厅,而毫无戒心的旅客正在等待他们的航班;最后到阿拉巴马州,一个半英里宽的巨型龙卷风穿过塔斯卡卢萨市,造成 65 人死亡,估计造成 1 亿美元的损失。
完全由原始镜头构建而成的《见证:龙卷风群 2011》令人痛心地提醒人们大自然愤怒的可怕力量。

3)  Joplin Tornado
April 2011 was the most violent month of tornados in history. From Texas to New York, more than 700 twisters touched down that month, killing over 300 people. The weeks that followed, however, saw a break in the pattern of severe weather; the worst, it seemed, was over.
Then came Sunday, May 22nd. That afternoon, just after 5:00 p.m., the National Weather Service issued a tornado warning for Joplin, Missouri. The day was sunny and the weather calm, so many in Joplin paid little heed to the sirens they so frequently hear in springtime. By the time they realized what was happening, it was too late-an EF-5 tornado packing winds of 200 miles an hour was carving a mile-wide path through the center of the city. The tornado sheared off two floors of the city's main hospital, demolished dozens of businesses and churches, and rendered whole neighborhoods unrecognizable. In the end, the storm would leave 161 dead and more than a thousand injured.
Weaving together dozens of professional and amateur archival sources, along with dramatic interviews with the people behind the cameras, Witness: Joplin Tornado reconstructs the deadliest twister in modern times, through the eyes of those who lived through it. In doing so, it serves as both a visceral, you-are-there account of nature's wrath at its most ferocious, and a powerful testament to the spirit of the people of Joplin.

2011 年 4 月是历史上最猛烈的龙卷风月份。从德克萨斯到纽约,当月有 700 多架龙卷风降落,造成 300 多人死亡。然而,接下来的几周,恶劣天气的模式有所改变。最糟糕的情况似乎已经过去。
然后是 5 月 22 日星期日。当天下午 5:00 刚过,美国国家气象局向密苏里州乔普林市发布了龙卷风警告。那天阳光明媚,天气平静,乔普林的许多人很少注意他们在春天经常听到的警笛声。当他们意识到发生了什么事时,已经太晚了——一场 EF-5 龙卷风以每小时 200 英里的速度在城市中心划出一条一英里宽的路径。龙卷风刮掉了该市主要医院的两层楼,摧毁了数十家企业和教堂,使整个街区变得面目全非。最终,风暴将造成 161 人死亡,一千多人受伤。

    春恨十常八九,忍轻孤、芳醪经口。那知自是、桃花结子,不因春瘦。世上功名,老来风味,春归时候。最多情犹有,尊前青眼,相逢依旧。入蔡缚贼献太庙,功无与让恩不訾。[BT下载][见证灾难自然NGWitnessDisaster][全03集][英语无字][MKV][720P][WEBRAW]18、Rome was not built in a day.




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