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电视剧 [BT下载][喜马拉雅天河 Sky.River.of.the.Himalayas][全03集][英语中字][1080P][HD+中文字幕] 剧集 2017 英国 纪录 全集
分类 电视剧下载
介绍     [BT下载][喜马拉雅天河 Sky.River.of.the.Himalayas][全03集][英语中字][1080P][HD+中文字幕] 剧集 2017 英国 纪录 全集 青翠欲五颜六色北雁南飞滴30. 冬天是一个历经沧桑的老人,沉稳,敦厚。他坐在生活了一辈子的庭院里,享受冬日和煦的暖阳。在他那纹路清晰的眉目间,可以看见早春的青葱,盛夏的热情和晚秋的收获。空气里浮动着梅花的淡雅清香。他伸出骨骼嶙峋的手,召唤一辈子相濡以沫的老伴。两个人你一言我一语,絮絮讲述起从前的故事。那些故事里有山舞银蛇,原驰蜡象,也有冰解河开,燕子归来。这一路,不管多辛苦多艰难,他们都并肩携手,从没有分开过。他们的话语时高时低,时而情辞激动,时而慢条斯理。那些飞逝而去的岁月仿佛又被拉扯了回来,近在咫尺,触手可及。渐渐的,老人们的声音消失了,取而代之的是遐思的眼神和恬淡的微笑。窗外,暮色四合,清冷的风撞着檐下的铃铛,叮叮朗朗,带来万物复苏的消息。benefit from sth 受益于某事物362.好事不出门,恶事传千里。

Nature, Travel Documentary hosted by Howard Nigthingall, published by ZDF in 2017 - English narration


Sky River of the Himalayas: Series 1
Travel the entire length of the Sky, the world's highest major river, as it flows from the Himalayan Mountains down to the Indian Ocean, passing Asia's biodiversity hotspots and affecting more than a billion people along the way.

1)  Sourc to the Gorge
As antelopes race in the thin air of the Himalayas, the highest major river on Earth flows from its Tibetan source. Follow along as nomads give way to farmers, and the river thunders into the Tsangpo, the world's deepest and longest gorge.

2)  Forest to the Plains
Glide with the river as it flows past red pandas and remote human settlements on the Tsangpo Gorge to emerge into India's temperate forests. Then discover lush Assam, with its tea plantations, iconic one-horned rhinos, and the last wild pygmy hogs.

3)  Plains to the Ocean
Enter the steamy plains of Bangladesh, where people must fight the river, forever threatening to destroy their homes. See how they work with nature too, making bridges from tree roots and catching fish with the help of dolphins and otters.

    笑捻粉香归洞户,更垂帘幕护窗纱,东风寒似夜来些。已似长沙傅,从今又几年?[BT下载][喜马拉雅天河Sky.River.of.the.Himalayas][全03集][英语中字][1080P][HD+中文字幕]Common sense tells us that…




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