介绍 |
◎导演:Achero Mañas
◎片长:Spain: 104 分钟
◎剧情简介: 演员的星尘回忆录,政治与艺术关系的反映,竟构成一部《玩谢麦高维治》式的大胆实验作。廿一世纪四十年代,数位年迈的演员追忆往时伙伴阿弗杜。他是个九十年代的戏剧学生,自创剧团在马德里的大街小巷演出,并渐由革新剧场方式深化为抨击政治及社会不公:他们搬演布纽尔经典《被遗忘的人》(Los Olvidados,1950),甚至模仿恐怖份子犯案,以为政治剧场终会改变政治现实。影片改编一个七十年代剧团的真实事迹,用纪录片形式呈现虚构情节,且跨越时空,自未来回顾现在,审视当前世界的政经局势,概念极之复杂破格。故事于2001年9月悲剧收场,艺术能否拯救现实,留下一个意义深远的问号。 Impelled by a spirit which still preserves a patina of idealism, Alfredo arrives in Madrid intent on creating "a performance which is freer, straight from the heart, capable of making people feel alive". His concept of what theater should be begins beyond the stage, out in the streets face to face with the public. Outdoors, in any town square, in a park or in the city´s most commercial street, Alfredo and his troupe NOVEMBER start the show: demons to provoke passers-by, displays of social conscience, actions taken to the extreme to put the forces of law and order on full alert. There are no limits, no censorship; only ideas which are always valid so long as the public ceases to be the public and becomes part of the show swept by surprise, fear, tears or laughter.
◎获奖情况: 《街头剧中剧》提名1次 第51届圣塞巴斯蒂安国际电影节 金贝壳奖(提名)Achero Mañas |