介绍 |
◎又名:How The War Started On My Island/Kako je poceo r
◎语言:Serbian / Slovenian
◎剧情简介: 本片导演以一种难能可贵的幽默之情戏剧化的重现了当年南斯拉夫分崩离析的最初原因和经过, 以夸张的人物造型和超现实的镜头角度极尽挖苦讽刺调侃之能事, 将当年政客的丑陋虚伪, 军人的蛮横冷血刻画得相当戏谑, 让人们在笑声中又感觉到一丝辛酸和苦涩. 实属难得的东欧黑色喜剧佳作. A MUST-SEE! Although being one of the first movies to take humoristic approach towards violent break-up of Yugoslavia, this motion picture is partly based on real events that took place in September of 1991. Few months after Croatia seceded from Yugoslavia, Federal military installations are still present with previously recruited Croatian boys trapped inside. One such installation is a garrison on a small Dalmatian island, commanded by Major Aleksa Milosavljevic. Besieged by local militia, Major Aleksa threatens to blow up ammunition depots with half an island in case of any hostile action. During the stalemate, art historian Blaz Gajski comes from Zagreb in order to rescue his son from the barracks. In the beginning of 1991, the Yugoslav National Army, which does not acknowledge Croatia's independence, is still holding the military barracks throughout Croatia. Blaz Gajski travels to an island in order to retrieve his son from the barracks situated on this island. The atmosphere on the island is intense. The local government has besieged the barracks, and local people have organized a festival in front of it. With their singing and recitals, they plan to force major Aleksa and his soldiers to surrender. But, Aleksa has planted explosives in the barracks and threatens to blow up the island.