介绍 |
◎又名:철새들의 축제 (1978)
◎剧情简介: SYNOPSIS After sending her biracial son off to America, Seung-hi goes looking for a town near an American military base. She meets Jun-ho, an unforgettable person to her. But Jun-ho is an informant for North Korean communists and is only looking to take advantage of Seung-hi. Meanwhile, the police are tirelessly watching over their every move. The head of the police investigation is Kyung-su who grew up with Jun-ho and Seung-hi as orphans after the January 4 retreat during the Korean War. When everything is revealed, Jun-ho is placed in quite a predicament. He kneels in front of Seung-hi. Watching this, Kyung-su warmly receives Jun-ho as he turns himself in. A wedding march heralds the happiness of Jun-ho and Seung-hi. 故事 Seunghui花一个半种姓的儿子到美国寻找camptowns。Mannana人俊浩俊昊难忘的有将使用seunghui作为bukgoe的心腹。身边的时候唠,你可以给警察打死无一例外指挥官他们的行动回落1.4俊昊,seunghui是一个孤儿的生活。一切都变成了俊浩的困境是seunghui面前跪。水看着它接受俊浩俊昊绣有一个温暖的心脏和seunghui是对婚礼进行曲的开心的声音。