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◎片名:A halhatatlanság halála
◎剧情简介: There is a group of people (only males) who are called The Immortals. They live outside time and their mission is to change the reality of humanity in order to make it a better reality. They try to do this with the help of computers and they then make the changes. They prefer minimal changes. The main character, Harlan, is an Immortal. He does the dirty work for this group, he is a Technician. There are several jobs on the hierarchy. He soon falls in love with a woman called Noys Lambent. She believes, apparently, that by being in a relationship with him she can became Immortal too. Harlan's immediate superior Senior Computer Twisell, tells him the truth about his role in the creation of Immortality. Harlan must teach Cooper, who is really Mallansohn, the inventor of time field technology. Cooper completes the time circle created. Nevertheless, Harlan and Noys destroy the Immortality, honouring the title of the movie