介绍 |
◎又名:Island of 1000 Rapes/Hostages of Lust/Violent
◎剧情简介: Ripped from a vintage Greek PAL VHS tape, here's a sleazy, flashback filled pile of sordid slush all about a rich, jaded family uho get in uaded and over-run (ALA: Desperate Hours I House On The Edge 0fThe Park) at their holiday island home by a duo ofdirt-bag criminals uho just escaped from die localjail. Plagued by flashbacks, hungry for ham and pussy; the bad men tormre die ridi folks, drink their wine and pretend to bang them silly in a wild brandy punch of low towels, tits, slapped faces and indignant grunts. Obscure and word: ajuicy spin, be prepared for screaming, anal rape, inces-mal lashbacks, tits, runny blood, shotguns, uhacky beards, much talking and avillain in speedo pants so tiny, they pradically inside die man...