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◎又名:Kingdom of Crooked Mirrors
◎片长:75 分钟
◎剧情简介: 苏联著名幻想/童话电影导演Aleksandr Rou的作品. Kingdom of Crooked Mirrors bears unavoidable similarities to Alice's Adventures in Wonderland; a little girl suddenly finds herself in a strange world with ruthless royalty who aren't shy when it comes to executions. There's also a cat, but it functions more like Alice's cat Dinah than the Cheshire Cat. And though it may be due to the fact I saw a theatre screening of it just two days before watching this, Kingdom… also seems to bear resemblance to Victor Fleming's The Wizard of Oz. While Kingdom… lacks the production values of Hollywood's masterpiece of surreal family entertainment, it's as creative in concepts and the limitations in set and costume design only stamp it with the strange and unexplainable vibes I get when watching the films of Jan Svankmajer, as well as my only experience with Jaromil Jires {Valerie and Her Week of Wonders…which is likely the kind of film that children raised on this will turn to when they are adults.} Interestingly, watching the film today, even the most politically apathetic persons {like myself} can't help but notice how much it functions like a criticism of the fella in charge. Well, you be the judge: the king in the kingdom of crooked mirrors is incredibly stupid and everyone in the kingdom knows it. He's also not really in charge – he does what the rich citizens of the kingdom tell him to do.