内容推荐 此书为纯英文读本,以中医零基础的外国人士为目标读者,主要面向来华工作、学习、生活、旅游并对中医药文化感兴趣的外国人。在一位来自中医世家名为东东的11岁中国小男孩的引领下,从介绍中医药基本知识入手,介绍了中医和西医的不同、中医治疗方法和中医院看病的体验等;和读者分享了四位中国古代著名医家的故事。通过东东亲身经历的几个小故事,说明了中医药的药食同源;以庖丁解牛和范进中举的故事分别引出中医养生的本质和常见养生方法,以及几种可以缓解疲劳的简单自我按摩手法。为了提高读本的可读性,本书配有大量的图片,其中很多插图是连环画风格,具有丰富的中国文化内涵。 目录 Part One Something You Need to Know about TCM 1. What is TCM ? 2. How does TCM differ from Western medicine? 3. What are the ways of treatment in TCM? 4. What is a visit to a TCM practitioner like? Part Two Great Physicians in Ancient China 1. Hua Tuo 2. Zhang Zhonjing 3. Sun Simiao 4. Li Shizhen Part Three Stories in the History of TCM 1. King of Wei asking Bian Que 2. Bian Que Met King of Cai 3. Hua Tuo and Crabs 4. Sun Simiao Curing Weird Disease "" Part Four Knowing Chinese Herbal Medicine 1. Story of Shennong 2. Medicine? Food? Both! "The ice-cream event" ~ "An unforgettable Spring Festival" "" Part Five Health Preservation in TCM 1. The Understanding of Health in TCM 2. Common Ways to Preserve Health 3. Self-healthcare Tuina Therapy Part Six The Internationalization of TCM 1. The Law of the People's Republic of China on TCM 2. TCM and the Nobel Prize 3. New progress in TCM culture 4. TCM walks to the world |