内容推荐 过去的十年间,技术发生了很大的变化。数据炙手可热,云计算无处不在,许多组织都需要某种形式的自动化。在这些变化中,Python已经一跃成为世界上最流行的语言之一。这本实用指南向你展示了如何使用Python配合当今最有用的DevOps工具(包括Docker、kubernetes、Terraform)来完成日常的Linux系统管理任务。 学习如何与Linux打交道和自动化对于数百万专业人士来说是必不可少的。Python使这个过程变得轻松多了。通过本书,你将学会如何使用容器来开发软件和解决问题,以及如何对软件进行监控、检测、负载测试和操作。还在寻找用Python“把活儿搞定”的高效方法?这本就是你的操作指南。 作者简介 Noah Gift是西北一杜克大学研究生数据科学与工程计划的讲师和顾问。 目录 Preface 1. Python Essentials for DevOps Installing and Running Python The Python Shell Jupyter Notebooks Procedural Programming Variables Basic Math Comments Built-in Functions Print Range Execution Control if/elif/else for Loops while Loops Handling Exceptions Built-in Objects What Is an Object? Object Methods and Attributes Sequences Functions Anatomy of a Function Functions as Objects Anonymous Functions Using Regular Expressions Searching Character Sets Character Classes Groups Named Groups Find All Find Iterator Substitution Compiling Lazy Evaluation Generators Generator Comprehensions More IPython Features Using IPython to Run Unix Shell Commands Exercises 2. Automating Files and the Filesystem Reading and Writing Files Using Regular Expressions to Search Text Dealing with Large Files Encrypting Text Hashing with Hashlib Encryption with Cryptography The os Module Managing Files and Directories Using os.path Walking Directory Trees Using os.walk Paths as Objects with Pathlib 3. Working with the Command Line Working with the Shell Talking to the Interpreter with the sys Module Dealing with the Operating System Using the os Module Spawn Processes with the subprocess Module Creating Command-Line Tools Using sys.argv Using argparse Using click …… 4. Useful Linux Utilities 5. Package Management 6. Continuous Integration and Continuous Deploymen 7. Monitoring and Logging 9. Cloud Computing 10. Infrastructure as Code 11. Container Technologies: Docker and Docker Compose 12. Container Orchestration: Kubernetes 13. Serverless Technoloaies 14. MLOps and Machine learning Engineering 15. Data Engineering 16. DevOps War Stories and Interviews Index |