内容推荐 本套字帖内容丰富,围绕教材单元话题,精选历年优秀满分范文,学生通过临摹规范英文书写,掌握写作关键技能,轻松应对各类话题,增强写作能力。 该字帖依据9年级英语教学大纲编排。 目录 Topic 1 Safety and self-rescue Topic 2 The family Topic 3 Quality education Topic 4 Science and technology Topic 5 Changes and development Topic 6 Life philosophy Topic 7 Growth and suggestions Topic 8 Emotions and feelings Topic 9 Tourism and transportation Topic 10 Festivals and activities Topic 11 School life Topic 12 Plans and arrangements Topic 13 Thanksgiving and gratitude Topic 14 Sports and health Topic 15 Environmental protection |