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内容推荐 本书探讨了不同理论范式下儿童幸福感的影响机制,同时讨论相关前沿理论为中国儿童保护政策和社会工作实践提供理论指导和实践启示。 作者简介 任强,Qiang REN, PhD,is an associate professor in the Department of Sociology, Zhejiang University. He is also the Executive Diree-tor of MSW Education Center of Zhcjiang University, His rescarch focuseson political sociology, social work, social policy. Chinasgrass-root society, and social govermance. He has published monographs The Political Soiolagy of Copenatives and The Groutb of the Pubic Realm in Rumn Cbima. 目录 Introduction PART Ⅰ.CONCEPT AND MEASURE OF CHILD VELL-BEING Chapter 1.Understanding and Measuring Child Well-Being: From a Holistic Perspective PART Ⅱ.SOCIAL STRUCTURAL FACTORS AND CHILD WELL-BEING Chapter 2.Deprivation and Quality of Life Chaprer 3.Economic Strain and Social Bchavior Chapter 4.Acculturation Stress and Mental Health: Based on the Basic Psychological Needs Theory Chaprer 5.Migration-Related Stress and Depression: From the Perspective of Social Identity Theory Chapter 6.Social Exclusion, Child Well-Being, and Migration Paradox Chapter 7.Psychosocial Mechanisms between Social Exclusion and Multi-Domain Well-Being PART Ⅲ.SOCIAL ECOSYSTEM AND CHILD WELL-BEING Chapter 8. The Role of Parental Involvement between Deprivation and Cognitive Ability Chapter 9.The Role of Positive Parenting between Cyber Victimization and Psychological Well-Being Chapter 10.Academic Stress and Depression of Adolescents Chapter 11.Teacher Discrimination and Adolescents Mental Health Chaprer 12.Peer Victimization and Depression among Chinese Children Chapter 13.Poverty, Peer Victimization, Self-Esteem, and Psychological Develop ment References |