内容推荐 《Write Source英文写作分级教程》系列是针对学前至高中12年级学生全方位训练写作能力的英文写作专项指南。本书遵循美国学术界公认并推行的“写作五步法”和“六要素”进行教学和日常练习,五步法即过程写作法包含五个相关阶段(The Writing Process):立意(Prewriting)、初稿(Drafting)、修改(Revising)、校订(Editing)和发表(Publishing)。这五个步骤是美国学术界公认并推行的优质写作基础,并被Common Core课标规定为写作标准教学法。本书覆盖描述文、记叙文、说明文、议论文、文学回应类写作、创意写作、报告写作/研究类写作7种不同的写作体裁。它将过程写作法和写作六要素相互结合,让学生从小养成良好的写作习惯。 本书为预备级,适合学龄前儿童阅读,内容分为五大块:1)Words and Sentences;2)The Writing Process;3)The Traits of Good Writing;4)Forms of Writing;5)Themes。 目录 My Writing Spot Words and Sentences Alphabet Chart Writers use letters to make words. Writers put words together in sentences. Writers start sentences with capital letters. Writers finish sentences with end marks. Writers use capital letters for special words. Writers have fun with words. The Writing Process Writers follow the writing process. Writers talk and listen to get ideas. Writers look and think to find ideas. Writers list words to find a topic. Writers read to learn. Writers gather details. Writers write. Writers add details. Writers check their writing. Writers share to explain and entertain. I list words to find a topic. I gather details. I write. I share to explain and entertain. Writers use computers to share their writing. The Traits of Good Writing Writers use the traits of good writing. Writers think of ideas. Writers plan their writing. Writers use their senses. Writers follow writing rules. Forms of Writing Writers write in journals. Writers make lists. Writers make signs and labels. Writers write notes and cards. Writers write captions. Writers write the news. Writers write stories. Themes Community Time Colors Shapes Water Weather Feelings Food Exercise Location Words The Five Senses My Word Dictionary |