内容推荐 本书面向世界科技前沿和国家重大需求,针对高效率Ⅲ族氮化物LED芯片设计和制造的关键问题,基于作者在Ⅲ族氮化物LED外延生长和芯片制造领域十余年的研究基础和产业化经验,融入国内外同行在这一领域的研究成果,从蓝光/绿光/紫外LED外延结构设计与材料生长、水平结构/倒装结构/垂直结构/高压LED芯片设计与制造工艺、LED失效机理与可靠性这三个方面系统阐述Ⅲ族氮化物LED芯片设计和制造技术。 本书共六章,第一章对Ⅲ族氮化物LED的发展历程、工作原理和物性参数进行了全面的介绍;第二章详细阐述了蓝光/绿光/紫外LED外延生长工艺;第三章介绍高效率水平结构LED芯片制造工艺;第四章介绍倒装结构LED芯片制造技术,对高反射率、低阻欧姆接触p型电极和通孔接触n型电极进行了详细的阐述;第五章介绍高压LED芯片、垂直结构LED芯片和Mini/Micro-LED芯片制造工艺;第六章介绍LED芯片失效机理和LED光学、电学、色度学参数在线测试方法。 目录 1 Physics of Ⅲ-Nitride Light-Emitting Diodes 1.1 History of Ⅲ-Nitride LEDs 1.2 Mechanisms of Ⅲ-Nitride LEDs 1.3 Radiative Recombination and Non-radiative Recombination 1.4 Internal Quantum Efficiency 1.5 Light Extraction Efficiency and External Quantum Efficiency References 2 Epitaxial Growth of III-Nitride LEDs 2.1 Ⅲ-Nitride Blue LEDs 2.2 Ⅲ-Nitride Green LEDs 2.2.1 InGaN/GaN Superlattice 2.2.2 Stacked GaN/A1N Last Quantum Barrier 2.3 Ⅲ-Nitride Ultraviolet LEDs 2.3.1 Sputtered A1N Nucleation Layer 2.3.2 Effect of PSS on UV LED 2.3.3 Patterned Sapphire with Silica Array 2.3.4 Isoelectronic Doping 2.3.5 InA1GaN/A1GaN Electron Blocking Layer 2.3.6 Graded AI-Content AIGaN Insertion Layer References 3 High-Efficiency Top-Emitting III-Nitride LEDs 3.1 Light Extraction Microstructure 3.1.1 PSS and Patterned ITO 3.1.2 Double Layer ITO 3.1.3 3D Patterned ITO and Wavy Sidewalls 3.1.4 Roughened Sidewalls 3.1.5 Air Voids Structure 3.2 Current Blocking Layer 3.2.1 SiO2 Current Blocking Layer 3.2.2 Patterned Current Blocking Layer 3.2.3 Reflective Current Blocking Layer 3.3 Back Reflector 3.4 Low Optical Loss Electrode Structure 3.5 Ni/Au Wire Grid Transparent Conductive Electrodes References 4 Flip-Chip Ⅲ-Nitride LEDs 4.1 Via-Hole-Based Two-Level Metallization Electrodes 4.2 Dielectric DBR 4.3 Comparison of Flip-Chip LEDs and Top-Emitting LEDs 4.4 Ag/TiW, Ni/Ag and ITO/DBR Ohmic Contacts 4.5 High-Power Flip-Chip LEDs 4.6 Double-Layer Electrode and Hybrid Reflector 4.7 Mini/Micro-LED 4.7.1 Prism-Structured Sidewall of Mini-LED 4.7.2 Light Extraction Analysis of Micro-LED References 5 High Voltage and Vertical LEDs 5.1 Direct Current High Voltage LED 5.2 Alternating Current High Voltage LED 5.3 Comparison of DC-HV LED and AC-HV LED 5.4 Vertical LEDs References 6 Device Reliability and Measurement 6.1 Influence of Dislocation Density on Device Reliability 6.2 Forward Leakage Current 6.3 Reverse Leakage Current 6.4 Pad Luster Consistency 6.5 Transient Measurement of LED Characteristic Parameters References |