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内容推荐 随着世界各国之间贸易交往的日益密切,我国物流业已全面挺进国际物流市场,加强我国国际物流从业人员的英语培训已成为目前亟待解决的问题。 本书结合物流英语教学改革的新特点,基于《物流英语(第2版)》进行更新与补充,使其更贴近经济生活,更符合社会发展,更好地为我国物流经济和教学实践服务。全书共10个单元,内容包括物流简介、客户服务、仓储、运输与配送、物流包装、国际物流、物流采购、第三方物流、供应链管理及物流信息管理等。 本书知识系统,案例丰富,注重创新,突出实用性,可以作为高职高专、应用型大学物流管理专业的教材,也可以作为物流企业从业人员的培训教材,对广大社会自学者也是一本非常有益的参考读物。 目录 Unit 1 Introduction to Logistics Ⅰ.What Is Logistics Dialogue 1 Introduction to Logistics Company Ⅱ.Activities in Logistics System Dialogue 2 Visiting a Logistics Company Unit 2 Customer Service Ⅰ.What Is Customer Service Dialogue 1 Delay of Delivering Ⅱ.How to Improve Customer Service Level Dialogue 2 Make a Complaint Unit 3 Warehousing Ⅰ.Warehouse Operation Dialogue 1 Visiting a Warehouse Ⅱ.Inventory Management Dialogue 2 How Much Should I Order Unit 4 Transportation and Distribution Ⅰ.Transportation Mode Dialogue 1 Negotiating About the Transportation Conditions Ⅱ.Distribution Management Dialogue 2 Partial Shipment and Transshipment Unit 5 Packaging Ⅰ.Introduction to Packaging Dialogue 1 Packing of Silk Stockings Ⅱ.Functions of Packaging Dialogue 2 The Packaging of Beer Unit 6 International Logistics Ⅰ.Containerization Dialogue 1 Talking About the Unloading Port Ⅱ.Main Logistics Documents Dialogue 2 Change the Port of Destination Unit 7 Purchasing Ⅰ.Purchasing Dialogue 1 What Is Purchasing Ⅱ.Purchasing Process Dialogue 2 Ordering Equipment Unit 8 The Third Party Logistics Ⅰ.The Nature of the Third Party Logistics Dialogue 1 Searching the 3PL Companies Ⅱ.3PL in China Dialogue 2 Evaluating 3PL Companies Unit 9 Supply Chain Management Ⅰ.Supply Chain Management Dialogue 1 Developing a Supply Chain Ⅱ.Developing Trends in Supply Chain Management Dialogue 2 The Possibility of Creating a Supply Chain Unit 10 Logistics Information Management Ⅰ.The Role of Information Management Dialogue 1 Difference between Legacy System and Present System Ⅱ.Pick-to-Light Basics Dialogue 2 Introduction to Supply Chain Management Information System 参考文献 Appendix Ⅰ Logistics Terms Appendix Ⅱ Reference Keys Appendix Ⅲ International Logistics Vocabulary Appendix Ⅳ Logistics Documents
序言 全球经济一体化进程加快,世界各国之间的贸易交往 日益密切,中国市场国际化的趋势已逐步形成,面对物流 市场国际化的迅速发展与激烈竞争,对从事国际物流运营 人员素质的要求越来越高,社会物资流通和物流产业发展 急需大量具有物流英语知识与应用技能复合型的专门人才 。 英语是工具,是一把打开世界门窗的钥匙,具有加强 沟通、扩大交流范围的功能,物流英语已成为我国物流企 业进军国际物流市场所必须掌握的关键技能,尽快提高我 国涉外物流企业从业人员的英语水平已成为目前亟待解决 的问题。 《物流英语》一书的编写正是为培养大量国际物流专 门人才,解决物流企业发展对既懂得物流专业知识、又熟 练掌握物流英语及实际业务运作技能型人才的急需。本书 坚持以科学发展观为统领,严格按照教育部关于“加强职 业教育、注重实践教学、强化应用技能培养”等教育教学 改革精神和要求,由长期从事物流英语教学的主讲教师及 具有丰富经验的企业人士共同编写,本书出版对提高物流 从业人员的英语水平,提升物流企业的服务质量,促进我 国外向型物流业的健康发展具有十分重要的意义。 本书自2008年出版、2012年再版以来,因写作质量高 而深受全国各类职业教育院校广大师生欢迎,2008年被北 京市教委评为北京市高等教育精品教材立项项目。本次再 版,作者审慎地对原教材进行了知识更新补充,以使其更 贴近经济生活,更符合社会发展,更好地为我国物流经济 和教学实践服务。 本书作为高等职业教育物流管理专业的特色教材,全 书共10个单元,以学习者应用能力培养为主线,根据国际 现代物流业的快速发展,围绕物流运作所涉及的领域和业 务,结合物流英语教学改革的新特点,系统介绍物流管理 、运输、仓储、包装、采购、配送、客户服务及物流信息 管理等物流专业英语基本知识,并通过强化实训,培养提 高读者的应用能力。 本书融入了物流英语最新的实践教学理念、力求严谨 、注重与时俱进,具有知识系统、案例丰富、注重创新、 突出实用性、集理论和实践于一体等特点。因此,本书既 可以作为高职高专、应用型大学物流管理专业的首选教材 ,也可以用于物流、外贸与工商企业在职从业者的岗位培 训,并为广大社会中小微企业和大学生创业提供有益的学 习指导。 本书由李大军筹划并具体组织,王艳和张翠玲任主编 ,王艳统改稿,张淑谦和张凤霞任副主编,由物流英语专 家刘徐方教授审定。作者编写分工:牟惟仲(序言),张 淑谦(第1单元、第5单元),王艳(第2单元、第10单元、 附录),谭明华(第3单元),张翠玲(第4单元、第6单元 ),梁旭、汤宁(第7单元),张凤霞(第8单元、第9单元 );李晓新(文字修改、版式调整、制作教学课件)。 在本书再版过程中,我们参考借鉴了国内外有关物流 英语的最新书刊和网站资料,并得到编委会和物流协会有 关专家的具体指导,在此一并致谢。为配合教学,本书配 有电子课件,读者可以从清华大学出版社网站 (www.tup.com.cn)免费下载使用。因作者水平有限,书 中难免有疏漏和不足,恳请同行和读者批评指正。 编者 2018年8月
导语 本书融入了物流英语最新的实践教学理念,知识系统,案例丰富,突出实用性,集理论和实践于一体,可以作为高职高专、应用型大学物流管理专业的教材,可作为成人高校物流英语的教材,也可以用于物流、外贸与工商企业在职从业者的岗位培训,并为广大社会中小微企业和大学生创业提供有益的学习指导。 本书为“北京市高等教育精品教材立项项目”。 精彩页 Unit 1 Introduction to Logistics ◆Knowledge Learning Objectives知识学习目标◆ To understand the definition of logistics To know the importance of logistics To learn the activities of logistics ◆Skill Developing Objectives技能培养目标◆ Communication skill in receiving the customer Communication skill in introducing the logistics company Writing skill in introducing the logistics company Communication skill in establishing the business relationship Ⅰ.What Is Logistics 1.The Definition of Logistics(物流的概念) There are various definitions of different editions.But in general, there are mainly two types of definition in practice. In Chinese Logistics Terms, logistics means the physical movement of goods from the supplier to the receiver.Based on practical need, logistics is integrated organically with the variety of the basic functional activities including transportation, storage, loading and unloading, handling, package, distribution,information management, etc. The Council of Logistics Management has adopted the following definition of logistics: Logistics is that part of the supply chain process that plans, implements, and controls the efficient, effective flow and storage of goods, services, and related information from the point of origin to the point of consumption in order to meet customers requirements. 2.Some Interpretation to Logistics(物流的其他概念) The logistics function of the system goal is to satisfy customer needs.Therefore, from a customer service point of view, some scholars defined logistics as: To the right cost and the right conditions, the right quality and the right quantity, to ensure the right customer at the right time and right place, for the right product for availability, namely, the concept of logistics 7Rs.The socalled product availability, that is, customers who want to get products may face time and space distance issues.In fact, product availability is a functional assessment of the logistics system, and the primary indicators, is also the main objective of the logistics system optimization. 3.The Importance of Logistics(物流的重要性) Since the beginning of human civilization, there has been the “move” of the goods.So we should say, “Logistics is anything but a newborn baby.” However, when it comes to modern logistics, most professionals in the business consider it one of the most competitive and exciting jobs, invisible as it is.“Logistics is a unique global pipeline that operates 24 hours a day, seven days a week and 52 weeks a year, planning and coordinating the delivery of products and service to customers all over the world.” 4.Importance of Logistics Management(物流管理的重要性) In practice, logistics refers to the systematic management of the various activities required from the point of production to the customers.However, logistics management means different things to different organizations.In todays volatile economic environment, logistics management is becoming more important than ever before.It is critical to get the right amount of goods to the right place at the right time, especially in an age when budgets are tight and customers demands are unpredictable. A recent US study found that logistics costs account for almost 10% of the Gross Domestic Product.The process itself covers a diverse number of functional areas.Involved in logistics are transportation and traffic, as well as shipping and receiving.It also covers storage and import/export operations. 5.Development of Logistics Management(物流管理的发展) Logistics management has evolved over the last three decades from the narrowly defined distribution management to the integrated management and to the global supply chain.The mission of logistics management is to plan and coordinate all activities to achieve desired levels of delivered service and |