内容推荐 《新概念英语》是世界闻名的英语学习图书,它通过系统科学的编写体系、精妙生动的美文语篇,帮助学习者掌握英语听、说、读、写4项基本技能,培养语言实际运用能力,提升文化和审美素养,在学习中充分发挥潜能。 《新概念英语智慧版》在保留《新概念英语》全部内容的基础上,提供更加丰富的数字化资源和适用各种学习情景的在线学习功能,为读者带来智慧化学习体验,满足多种学习需求,助力学习效果提升。 延续经典,精益求精:保留原书全部内容,同时进一步完善注释、译文等细节; 全新设计,美观实用:版面扩大,双色印刷,时尚悦目,阅读体验更佳; 体系完整,编排科学:编排严谨,体系完整,符合国内读者的学习习惯; 专业录音,培养语感:在线音频由英语母语专家朗读,反复听读可培养英语语感,练就地道发音; 数字资源,助读助学:在线视频概述重要知识点,配合纸质图书和其他数字资源,助力提升学习效果; 正版验证,提升体验:验证并激活正版图书,即可获取丰富的在线学习资源,升级学习体验。 作者简介 何其莘,教授、博士生导师。曾在英国埃克塞特大学作访问学者(中英友好奖学金项目)和美国印第安那州立大学作访问学者(富布莱特项目)。研究课题有英语词汇学、词典学、英语教学与词典使用、英语专业基础阶段教学(尤其是精读和写作)。曾出版《英国戏剧选读》、《英国戏剧史》、《新概念英语》(新版)(共10册)等。曾获优秀教学成果奖陕西省一等奖等荣誉,曾被评为全国教育战线劳动模范,被授予“人民教师”勋章。 目录 To the teacher and student Learning a foreign language in the classroom About this course How to use this course 致教师和学生 外语的课堂教学 关于本教程的说明 本教程使用说明 Lesson 1 Excuse me!对不起! Lesson 2 Is this your ...?这是你的……吗? Lesson 3 Sorry,sir. 对不起,先生。 Lesson 4 Is this your ...? 这是你的……吗? Lesson 5 Nice to meet you. 很高兴见到你。 Lesson 6 What make is it?它是什么牌子的? Lesson 7 Are you a teacher?你是教师吗? Lesson 8 What's your job?你是做什么工作的? Lesson 9 How are you today?你今天好吗? Lesson 10 Look at ... 看…… Lesson 11 Is this your shirt?这是你的衬衫吗? Lesson 12 Whose is this ...?This is my/your/his/her ... 这……是谁的?这是我的/你的/他的/她的…… Lesson 13 A new dress 一件新连衣裙 Lesson 14 What colour is your ...?你的……是什么颜色的? Lesson 15 Your passports,please. 请出示你们的护照。 Lesson 16 Are you ... 你们是……吗? Lesson 17 How do you do?你好! Lesson 18 What are their jobs?他们是做什么工作的? Lesson 19 Tired and thirsty 又累又渴 Lesson 20 Look at them!看看他/它们! Lesson 21 Which book?哪一本书? Lesson 22 Give me/him/her/us/them a ... 给我/他/她/我们/他们一…… Which one?哪一……? Lesson 23 Which glasses?哪几只杯子? Lesson 24 Give me/him/her/us/them some ... 给我/他/她/我们/他们一些…… Which ones?哪些? Lesson 25 Mrs. Smith's kitchen 史密斯太太的厨房 Lesson 26 Where is it?它在哪里? Lesson 27 Mrs. Smith's living room 史密斯太太的客厅 Lesson 28 Where are they?它们在哪里? Lesson 29 Come in,Amy. 进来,艾米。 Lesson 30 What must l do?我应该做什么? Lesson 31 Where's Sally?萨莉在哪里? Lesson 32 What's he/she/it doing?他/她/它正在做什么? Lesson 33 A fine day 晴天 Lesson 34 What are they doing?他们在做什么? Lesson 35 Our village 我们的村庄 Lesson 36 Where ...?……在哪里? Lesson 37 Making a bookcase 做书架 Lesson 38 What are you going to do?你准备做什么? What are you doing now?你现在正在做什么? Lesson 39 Don’t drop it!别摔了! Lesson 40 What are you going to do?你准备做什么? I'm going to ... 我准备…… Lesson 41 Penny's bag 彭妮的提包 Lesson 42 Is there a ... in/on that ...?在那个……中/上有一个……吗? Is there any ...in/on that ...?在那个……中/上有……吗? Lesson 43 Hurry up!快点! Lesson 44 Are there any ...? 有……吗? Is there any ...? 有……吗? Lesson 45 The boss's letter 老板的信 Lesson 46 Can you ...? 你能……吗? Lesson 47 A cup of coffee 一杯咖啡 Lesson 48 Do you like ...?你喜欢……吗? Do you want ...?你想要……吗? Lesson 49 At the butcher's 在肉店 Lesson 50 He likes ... 他喜欢…… But he doesn't like ... 但是他不喜欢…… Lesson 51 A pleasant climate 宜人的气候 Lesson 52 what nationality are they?他们是哪国人? Where do they come from?他们来自哪个国家? Lesson 53 An interesting climate 有趣的气候 Lesson 54 What nationality are they 他们是哪国人? Where do they come from? 他们来自哪个国家? Lesson 55 The Sawyer family 索耶一家人 Lesson 56 What do they usually do?他们通常做什么? Lesson 57 An unusual day 不平常的一天 Lesson 58 What's the time?几点钟? Lesson 59 Is that all?就这些吗? Lesson 60 What's the time?几点钟? Lesson 61 A bad cold 重感冒 Lesson 62 What's the matter with them?他们怎么啦? What must they do?他们该怎么办? Lesson 63 Thank you,doctor. 谢谢你,医生。 Lesson 64 Don’t ...!不要……! You mustn't ...!你不应该……! Lesson 65 Not a baby 不是小孩子 Lesson 66 What's the time?几点钟? Lesson 67 The weekend 周末 Lesson 68 What's the time?几点钟? Lesson 69 The car race 汽车比赛 Lesson 70 When were they there?他们是什么时候在那里的? Lesson 71 He's awful!他讨厌透了! Lesson 72 When did you ...? 你什么时候……? Can you do this test?你能完成以下测试吗? Lesson 73 The way to King Street 到国王街的走法 Lesson 74 What did they do?他们干了什么? Lesson 75 Uncomfortable shoes 不舒适的鞋子 Lesson 76 When did you ...?你什么时候……? Lesson 77 Terrible toothache 要命 |