内容推荐 《坎贝尔骨科手术学》影印版系列图书共分9个分册,分别是《一般原则、感染与肿瘤》《关节外科》《儿童骨科》《创伤与截肢》《脊柱外科》《运动医学》《关节镜与显微外科》《手外科》《足踝外科》。 本册为《创伤与截肢》,分3篇16章,分别对成人骨折与脱位、四肢神经损伤、截肢手术进行了系统阐述。全书以循证医学为基础,对骨科临床疾病的手术方案进行了选择依据、手术径路、操作规范、实施步骤、风险规避、术后康复等全方位的讲解和图示。 目录 PART I FRACTURES AND DISLOCATIONS IN ADULTS 1 General Principles of Fracture Treatment 2 Fractures of the Lower Extremity 3 Fractures and Dislocations of the Hip 4 Fractures of the Acetabulum and Pelvis 5 Fractures of the Shoulder, Arm, andForearm 6 Malunited Fractures 7 Delayed Union and Nonunion of Fractures 8 Acute Dislocations 9 Old Unreduced Dislocations PART II PERIPHERAL NERVE INJURIES OF THE UPPER AND LOWER EXTREMITIES 10 Peripheral Nerve Injuries PART III AMPUTATIONS 11 General Principles of Amputations 12 Amputations of the Foot 13 Amputations of the Lower Extremity 14 Amputations of the Hip and Pelvis 15 Major Amputations of the Upper Extremity 16 Amputations of the Hand |