内容推荐 本书以历史文化名城宁波灿烂的史前文明为主题。以河姆渡文化为代表的史前文明,费定了宁波作为长江流域文化发源地的历史地位。本书介绍了河姆渡遗址的考古过程和发现,包括建筑、水稻栽种、家畜期养、采集渔猎、纺纱织布、陶艺漆器、航海造船等,并梳理了河姆渡文化和良渚文化的关系,确立了宁波先民作为百越民族祖先的历史地位,本书具有强烈而独特的地域特色,具有科研价值、艺术价值和文化价值,突出了宁波人民的智慧、创造力,以及与时俱进的精神,本书的英文翻译,对于宁波文化以及浙江文化的外宣,具有重要意义。 目录 Part 1 A Sketch of Ningbo's Historic Cultures Ⅰ The Hemudu Culture Ⅱ The Liangzhu Culture Ⅲ Archeology of the Shang and Zhou Dynasties Part 2 The Dawn in the East Ⅰ Environmental Changes Ⅱ A Marvel in the History of Architecture Ⅲ A Milestone in Rice Farming Ⅳ Domestication of Dogs and Pigs Ⅴ Gathering, Fishing and Hunting Ⅵ Rice as the Staple Food and Fish as the Main Dish Ⅶ Wells Ⅷ Pioneers of Marine Culture Ⅸ Knitting and Weaving Ⅹ Handicrafts Ⅺ Aesthetics Ⅻ Sun God's Hometown XIII The Origins and Evolution of the Hemudu Culture XIV The Integration into the Liangzhu Culture XV The Ancestors of the Baiyue People Glossary 译后记 |