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书名 | 国际经济法(涉外法治人才培养系列教材)(英文版) |
分类 | 人文社科-法律-外国及港澳台法律 |
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出版社 | 法律出版社 |
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简介 | 内容推荐 本书立足于当代中国高校涉外法治人才培养教学实践,从国际法的基本原理、世界贸易组织法、国际投资法、国际货币与金融法以及国际经济争端解决机制等方面详细阐述国际经济法的内容和原理。每章最后列有本章复习应注意的问题、以及延伸阅读书目,可以帮助学生深入、系统地学习本章节内容,复习学过的知识。 作者简介 王燕,女,法学博士,广东外语外贸大学国际商务英语学院教授,硕士研究生导师,云山青年学者。2008年毕业于中国人民大学法学院,获国际法博士学位。主持国家社科基金后期资助项目2项,省部级项目3项,出版专著3部,近年来在SSCI期刊以及CSSCI期刊发表论文40余篇,多篇论文被人大复印资料《国际法》《国际贸易研究》等转载。 目录 PART Ⅰ Basic Theories of International Economic Law 1.Definition of International Economic Law and Its Characteristics 2.Subjects and Actors of International Economic Law 3.Sources of International Economic Law 3.1 International economic treaties 3.2 Customary international law 3.3 General principles of IEL 3.4 Resolutions made by intergovernmental organizations 3.5 Precedents and legal scholarship 3.6 Domestic regulations on external economic activities 4.Theories of International Relations and International Economic Law 5.Principles of International Economic Law 5.1 Economic sovereignty 5.2 Permanent sovereignty over natural resources 5.3 Equity and mutual benefit 5.4 Right to economic development 5.5 International cooperation for development Chapter Review Key Terms Further Readings PART Ⅱ World Trade Law Chapter 1 Development of World Trade Organization and Its Institutional Structure 1.Origin of the GATT 2.Replacement of the GATT by the WTO 2.1 How WTO is different from the GATT 2.2 Mandates and functions of the WTO 2.3 Membership of the WTO 3.Institutional Structure of the WTO 4.Decision-Making of the WTO 5.The Covered Agreements of the WTO and the Attachments 5.1 Agreements on trade in goods 5.2 Agreements on trade in service 5.3 Agreement on Trade-Related Aspects of Intellectual Property 5.4 Understanding on Rules and Procedures Governing the Settlement of Disputes (DSU) 5.5 Trade Policy Review Mechanism (TPRM) 5.6 Plurilateral agreements in sectors of civil aircraft and government procurement 5.7 Other agreements concluded in Doha Round 6.General Principles of the WTO 6.1 Most-favored-nation treatment and its exceptions 6.2 National treatment and its exceptions 6.3 Transparency 6.4 Free and fair trade 6.5 More favorable treatment to developing countries Chapter Review Key Terms Further Readings Chapter 2 GATT and Regulations on Trade in Goods 1.Customs Duties and Relevant Rules 1.1 Concept and types of customs duties 1.2 Tariff schedule 1.3 Tariff escalation 1.4 Determination of customs duty 2.Non-Tariff Barriers and Disciplines 3.Disciplines on Trade Remedies 3.1 Anti-dumping measures 3.2 Subsidy and countervailing measures 3.3 Safeguard measures 3.4 China’s challenge of anti-dumping and countervailing measures imposed by US and EU 4.Disciplines on Technical Trade Barriers and Sanitary and Phytosanitary Measures 4.1 Meaning of technical regulation and standard 4.2 Disciplines of Agreement on Technical Barriers to Trade 4.3 Sanitary and phytosanitary measures and disciplines 5.Exceptions 5.1 General exceptions 5.2 Balance of payment exception 5.3 Security exception Chapter Review Key Terms Further Readings Chapter 3 GATS and Rules on Trade in Service 1.Definition of Service and Modes of Service Supply 2.General Obligations in GATS and Exemptions 2.1 MFN treatment in GATS 2.2 Transparency 3.Progressive Liberalization and Specific Obligations in GATS 3.1 Market access 3.2 National treatment 4.Members’ Schedules Chapter Review Key Terms Further Readings Chapter 4 TRIPS and International Intellectual Property Conventions 1.TRIPS 1.1 Types of intellectual properties protected by TRIPS 1.2 Non-discriminatory principles of TRIPS 1.3 Enforcement of TRIPS 1.4 Anti-competitive practice and technology transfer 2.Paris Convention on Industrial Property Protection 2.1 National treatment 2.2 Priority right 2.3 Mutual independence of patents |
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