内容推荐 《小学英语阅读强化训练》是一套配合人教版小学英语教材三年级到六年级设计的英语阅读材料。本套书共8册,3至6年级上下册。本套书每册6个单元,每个单元围绕一个与教材内容相匹配的话题提供4-6篇文章。这些文章生动有趣,文体多样,难度逐渐递进,是对教材内容的有效补充和拓展。每篇文章前都设有一道针对文章主旨或细节的问题,文章后都设计了形式多样的读后练习,并配有充满童趣的全彩插图。本套书可以满足教师和学生的使用需求。 本书是其中的5年级上册。 目录 Unit 1 What's he like? Animals with special senses Do you want to be healthy? The giraffe and the deer Lucky Tommy Two Donnas My teachers Unit 2 My week Hobbies School days in Canada Mountain activities T.G.I.F School schedule Social studies Unit 3 What would you like? What would you like to do after school? Let's make some fruit salad Annie's dinner Nuts are good for health. The magic paintbrush A toymaker and his toys Recycle 1 Amazing partners Teachers'busy week What would you like at a party? How to build a toy house Unit 4 What can you do? Ways to be happy A magic pen Animals are helpful in our life. Small ants Do what you like Eyes Unit 5 There is a big bed This is where I live Monkey's glasses shop In the garden Come to play Where is my home? Playing at home In a nature park In the wild animal park In the jungle My home Unit 6 In the nature park Forget Lucky Camping with friends Recycle 2 Kent's toys Wendy's new house The arctic fox Monkey in the bus Answers |