简介 |
内容推荐 本书是一本管理信息系统(MIS)入门教程,以流程为导向,并在其前几版的基础之上进行了大量的修订与更新,增加了当今信息技术发展的前沿领域和最新的系统开发方法。作者详细阐述了信息技术、信息系统和管理信息系统所涉及的内容,如硬件与软件、数据库处理、通信与互联网技术、电子商务、系统管理与安全等,讨论了人工智能、数据分析、云计算在MIS中的应用,并增加了ERP、SAP的相关案例。全书结构清晰、论述透彻、通俗易懂。大部分章节内容以提问形式展开,独具特色,大量引入了MIS案例。 本书可作为高等院校信息管理与信息系统、电子商务、工商管理、信息工程等专业本科生、研究生的双语教材和教学参考书,或作为商业培训机构的培训教材,也可作为各类组织的信息系统经理或者高层主管等了解信息系统在组织中的应用实践的参考书籍。 作者简介 戴维·M.克伦克(David M. Kroenke), David has many years of teaching experience at Colorado State University, Seattle University, and the University of Washington. He has led dozens of seminarsfor college professors on the teaching of information systems and technology; in 1991 the Inter-national Association of Information Systems named him Computer Educator of the Year. In2009, David was named Educator of the Year by the Association of Information TechnologyProfessionals-Education Special Interest Group (AITP-EDSIG). David worked for the U.S. Air Force and Boeing Computer Services. He was a principalin the start-up of three companies. He also was vice president of product marketing and devel-opment for the Microrim Corporation and was chief of technologies for the database divisionof Wall Data Inc He is the father of the semantic obiect data model. David's consulting cli-ents have included IBM, Microsoft, and Computer Sciences Corporations, as well as numeroussmaller companies. Recently, David has focused on using information systems for collaborationin education and industry. His text Database Processing was first published in 1977 and is now in its 13th edition. Hehas published many other textbooks, including Database Concepts, 6th ed. (2013), Using MIS,7th ed. (2015), Experiencing MIS, Sth ed. (2015), MIS Essentials, 4th ed. (2015), SharePoint forStudents (2012), and Office 365 in Business (2012). David lives on Whidbey Island, Washington.He has two children and three grandchildren. 目录 Part 1 Why MIS? 为什么选择MIS? Chapter 1 The Importance of MIS MIS的重要性 Q1-1 Why Is Introduction to MIS the Most Important Class in the Business School? 为什么管理信息系统导论是商学院最重要的课程? Q1-2 What Is MIS? 管理信息系统是什么? Q1-3 How Does MIS Relate to Organizational Strategy? 管理信息系统与组织战略有何关系? Q1-4 What Five Forces Determine Industry Structure? 哪五种力量决定产业结构? Q1-5 What Is Competitive Strategy? 什么是竞争战略? Q1-6 How Does Competitive Strategy Determine Value Chain Structure? 竞争战略如何决定价值链结构? Q1-7 How Does Competitive Strategy Determine Business Processes and Information Systems? 竞争战略如何决定业务流程和信息系统? Chapter 2 Business Processes, Information Systems, and Information 业务流程、信息系统和信息 Q2-1 What Is a Business Process? 什么是业务流程? Q2-2 What Is an Information System? 什么是信息系统? Q2-3 How Do Business Processes and Information Systems Relate? 业务流程和信息系统是如何关联的? Q2-4 How Do Structured and Dynamic Processes Vary? 结构化流程和动态流程有何不同? Q2-5 What Is Information? 信息是什么? Q2-6 What Are Necessary Data Characteristics? 必要的数据特征是什么? Q2-7 How Can I Use These Topics at Work? 如何在工作中使用这些主题? Part 2 Information Technology 信息技术 Chapter 3 Networks and the Cloud 网络和云 Q3-1 What Do Business Professionals Need to Know About Networks and the Internet? 关于网络和互联网,商务人士需要知道什么? Q3-2 How Does Data Move over a Network? 数据如何在网络中移动? Q3-3 How Does a Typical Web Server Move Data on a Network? 典型的Web服务器如何在网络上移动数据? Q3-4 Why Is the Cloud the Future for Most Organizations? 为什么云计算是大多数企业的未来? Q3-5 What Are the Typical Cloud Options? 典型的云选项有哪些? Chapter 4 Database 数据库 Q4-1 What Is the Purpose of a Database? 数据库的目的是什么? Q4-2 What Are the Contents of a Database? 数据库的内容是什么? Q4-3 What Is a Database Management System (DBMS)? 什么是数据库管理系统(DBMS)? Q4-4 What Are the Components of a Database App? 数据库应用程序有哪些组件? Q4-5 How Do Data Models Facilitate Database Design? 数据模型如何促进数据库设计? …… Part 3 Structured Processes and Information Systems 结构化流程和信息系统 Part 4 Dynamic Processes and Information Systems 动态流程和信息系统 Appendix A SAP Production Tutorial SAP生产流程指南 Application Exercises Glossary |