内容推荐 进入21世纪,关于话语和语篇的多模态研究逐步增多,本书选取了13篇具有代表性的文章,汇集了世界各地20位专家学者的学术思想和研究理念,从认知语言学与多模态隐喻、社会符号学与系统功能语言学,以及多模态互动分析这三个途径出发,通过对电影、卡通、绘本甚至挂毯等的多模态研究,阐述各自的创新成果,进一步推动了认知语言学研究范式上的社会转向和研究方法上的实证趋势。 目录 About the contributors Multimodality and Cognitive Linguistics: Introduction Part I. Cognitive Linguistics and multimodal metaphor Cross-modal resonances in creative multimodal metaphors: Breaking out of conceptual prisons Metaphor and Symbol: SEARCHING FOR ONE's IDENTITY IS LOOKING FOR A HOME in animation film Woven emotions: Visual representations of emotions in medieval English textiles Approaching the utopia of a global brand: The relevance of image schemas as multimodal resources for the branding industry Multimodal metaphors in political entertainment Part II. Multimodality, Cognitive and Systemic Functional Linguistics The visual representation of metaphor: A social semiotic approach Visual metonymy in children's picture books The establishment of interpretative expectations in film Multimodal digital storytelling: Integrating information, emotionand social cognition Part III. Cognitive Linguistics and multimodal interaction Intermedial cognitive semiotics: Some examples of multimodal cueing in virtual environments Multimodality in conversational humor Image schemas and mimetic schemas in cognitive linguisticsand gesture studies Index |