内容推荐 龚晓睿著的《威·休·奥登诗歌中的绘画艺术研究(英文版)》为“当代外语研究论丛”系列之一,采用跨学科研究的综合、对比视角,探索奥登诗歌与绘画艺术之间的紧密联系。本书主要考察广泛呈现于奥登诗歌中的一系列绘画造型元素,包括光影、色彩、透视、空间、构图等,以及奥登对于西方美术史上一些主流画派的美学借鉴。本书深人探讨了奥登如何运用各种绘画艺术技法来营造其诗歌的画面感,以及如何汲取不同画派的艺术风格来增强其诗歌的视觉表现力。以此揭示奥登丰富、广阔诗学话语的来源,阐明其诗作经久不衰的艺术感染力。 本书的读者对象为外国语言文学、比较文学与世界文学专业方向的高校教师、科研人员、研究生等。也可供喜爱诗歌与绘画艺术的读者阅读参考。 作者简介 龚晓睿,1978年生,男,上海立信会计金融学院外语学院讲师,上海外国语大学英语语言文学博士研究生毕业,主要从事英美文学及诗歌与绘画跨学科研究。 目录 Chapter One INTRODUCTION 1.1 A Critical Survey of English and Chinese Scholarship on W.H.Auden 1.2 A Probe into the Relationship between Poetry and Painting 1.3 The Motivation,Methodology and Significance of This Book Chapter Two A Poet Artistically Inspired:Auden's Insight into Painting 2.1 Auden's Knowledge and Perception of Painting 2.2 Auden's Emphasis on Direct Observation of Nature 2.3 Auden's Rejection of Camera Lens as“Desanctifying Sight” 2.4 Auden's Attempt to Visualize Abstract Concepts Chapter Three Fundamental Elements of Painting in Auden's Poetry(I): Microscopic Vision 3.1 Light and Shadow:Rhythm of Brightness and Darkness 3.2 Colour:Multi-Hued Apparel of Nature Chapter Four Fundamental Elements of Painting in Auden's Poetry(II): Macroscopic Vision 4.1 Perspective and Space:Aspiration for Infinity 4.2 Composition:Aesthetic Arrangement of Pictures Chapter Five Objective Representation:Influence from Major Pre-20th Cen- tury Schools of Painting on Auden's Creation of Poetry 5.1 Baroque Painting:Vibration of Dynamic Life 5.2 Pastoral Painting:Idyllic Portrayal of Rural Landscape 5.3 Impressionist Painting:Symphony of Light and Colour 5.4 Post-Impressionist Painting:Scenery Endowed with Humanity Chapter Six Subjective Expression:Influence from Major 20th Century Schools of Painting on Auden's Creation of Poetry 6.1 Cubist Painting:Subverting Visual Conventions 6.2 Surrealistic Painting:Delving into the Depths of Subconsciousness Chapter Seven Conclusion Appendix(Illustrations) Bibliography An Index of Major Terms