内容推荐 本书设有八个单元,具体包括求职、交通、兴趣爱好、音乐、动物和宠物、时尚、太空和生命科学等八个主题。主题设计贴近生活,丰富实用,循序渐进地提高学生的英语交际能力,并在视听说学习中逐渐提高学生的英语语言应用能力和文化素养。 目录 Unit 1 What job interests you? Unit 2 How can I get there? Unit 3 Shall we do something for fun? Unit 4 How enjoyable the music is! Unit 5 How can you be so cute? Unit 6 What should I wear today? Unit 7 How far can we go? Unit 8 Can we live forever withscience? |