第1天 雅思阅读考试概述
Lessons from the Titanic
第2天 大意题型
1.Signs of Success
2.A Stubborn, Taxing Problem
3.Tea Times
4.Mary Wollstonecraft
第3天 大意题型巩固练习
1.From Black Box to Blue Box
2.Fat of the Land
3.A Modest Undertaking
4.Leisure Time
5.The History of Writing
6.Historical Thermometers
7.Parenting and Responsibility
8.What Is a Dinosaur?
9.Hair Today
第4天 细节题型(一):简答题/填词题,选择题,分类题
1.The 5000-mile National Cycle Network
2.Environmental Impact of Mining on People
3.Where Are the Jobs?
4.The Blueberries of Mars
5.Another Intelligence?
6.Recycling Britain
7.Things Fall Apart
8.Mobile Telecommunications
第5天 细节题型(一)巩固练习
1.In or Out?
2.The Brain and Intelligence
3.UNICEF, Malnutrition and Micronutrients
4.Social Impact of Mining
5.Under Water
6.Government in Aboriginal Societies
7.Of Ducks and Duck Eggs
第6天 细节题型(二):判断题,回填题,配对题
1.The Creation Myth
2.A New Menace from an Old Enemy
3.The Politics of Pessimism
4.Recycling Plastics
5.Asbestos Inhalation
第7天 细节题型(二)巩固练习
1.Pronunciation and Physiognomy
2.Prosecuting Corporate Fraud
3.Where's the Lawyer?
4.Turning up the Heat in the Greenhouse
5.Why Women Have to Work
6.How Fire Leapt to Life
7.Circadian Rhythms of a Day
第8天 阶段性复习(Progressive Test 1)
1.Warnings to Be Ignored
2.Just Relax
3.Money as the Unit of Account