内容推荐 本书引进自Garnet Education出版集团经典学术英语教材,适合中国课堂实际教学需求,帮助学生提高学术英语听力技能。 精选国外大学学术英语讲座,主题广泛,场景真实,语料鲜活。 分解讲座素材,设置针对性练习,循序渐进地帮助学生提高听力理解能力,掌握学术听力技能。 关注专项听力技能,兼顾宏观听力技巧和微观听力技巧的培养和训练。 设置Sound advice和Study tip板块,为学生提供有效的听力策略建议和帮助。 目录 Introduction 1 Listening and lectures Problems of listening Differences between academic cultures 2 Introductions to lectures Migration Britain and the European Monetary Union Globalization Magistrates' courts 3 Identifying key ideas in lectures Franchising 4 Note-taking: Part 1 Britain's traffic problems The East Asian economic miracle 5 Note-taking: Part 2 Purposes of education World economy Health in the UK 6 Introducing new terminology Embedded words European Union regulations and directives Market dominance and monopoly 7 What lecturers do in lectures Doing market research Social learning Contestable markets 8 Digressions Questionnaire design Integrated rural development Glossary Transcripts |