内容推荐 本书以大庆精神的内涵为主线,围绕大庆精神产生的历史背景,铁人王进喜以及几代大庆人的价值追求、工作精神、情感世界、人格魅力、哲学智慧、社会影响、历史贡献等方面,串起一个个鲜活的故事,从中折射出当代中国发展的不竭动力。体现了中国工人阶级的崇高品质和精神风貌,表现了中国共产党人爱国、创业、求实、奉献的精神。 作者简介 刘晓华,常州大学马克思主义学院院长、硕士生导师,江苏省马克思主义研究会副秘书长,黑龙江省哲学社会科学大庆精神研究基地特聘教授,主要从事思想政治教育和红色文化研究。多年来围绕大庆精神研究出一批有影响的科研成果,承担国家社科基金项目2项,省部级社科基金项目10余项。出版学术著作5部,发表论文近50篇。编写的《铁人精神十讲》特色读本被教育部列入“高校德育成果文库”出版计划。 目录 Birthplace of the Daqing Spirit Heilongjiang: A Land of Plenty Daqing: A City of Heroes Opportunities for the Daqing Spirit: Time, Place, and Conditions External Environment-Harsh International Situation Internal Factors-Critical Challenges at Home Practical Foundation-Oil Campaign Spiritual Pillar-The Spirit of the Chinese Nation Patriotism: Winning Honors for the Nation The Threat of "Oil Poverty in China Strategic Policy: Ushering in the Oil Campaign Shortage of Oil: A Critical Problem in China Setting-out Ceremony of Ten Thousand People Shaking Off the Label of Oil Poverty Being Hardworking and Enterprising: Independence and Self-reliance Development of Big Oilfield on Our Own When Conditions Are Available, Go Ahead; If Not Available, Create Them and Go Ahead The Fight Against the Famine Collection of the Timber in Deep Mountains Six Valuable Assets of Daqing Oil Campaign New Narratives in Overseas Expansion Spirit of Innovation for a New Journey A Scientific and Down-to-Earth Approach: Three Values and Four Musts Three Values and Four Musts Independent Construction of the Oilfield 20 Documents and 72 Data Points Quality Over Quantity The Work Done That Withstands the Test of Time A Challenge in Limitations of Technology Self-discipline with Four the Sames From Worker to Inventor Selflessness and Dedication: Keeping the Country's Overall Interest in Mind Sacrificing Family for the Country Shedding Tears for Oil Selfless Dedication of the Oilmen An Ox of a Cobbler Dedication to the Oilfield Daqing Spirit: Its Contemporary Value A Resource for Stronger Cultural Confidence A Historic Basis of the CPC's Governance A Source for Building a Cultural Home Shared by People |