内容推荐 “周虽旧邦,其命维新”是中华民族的先民们一直以来秉持和坚守的一种改革、进取精神,开启了缔造中华文明的伟大实践。本书所列举的几位改革者及其所主导的变法、改革事业,莫不在历史上占有重要地位,对于我们更好地知晓过去、照鉴未来有重要意义。同时借此说明中华民族历来有自我反思、自我变革的优良传统,在通古鉴今、上下求索的过程中求变求好,顺应大势,与时俱进,也正是受此种精神的润泽和涵养,中华文明才得以纵横五千年长盛不衰,历久弥新。 作者简介 谷文国,中共中央党校哲学博士,中国人民大学博士后,中国佛学院讲师,中国传统文化促进会《群书治要》传承委员会执行主任,主要从事中国传统伦理思想、《群书治要》和中国茶道研究。著有《祀典与伦理:周公及其祭礼研究》等。发表论文20余篇,参与多项国家和省级课题。 目录 Publisher's Notes Foreword Introduction Chapter One Respond to the Call of the Times, Honor Kingship and Repel Invasion Duke of Zhou: Rites, Music and the Long-lasting Ruling System Guan Zhong: Feudal Lords Assembling in Unity Chapter Two Breaking away from Old Conventions with the Passage of Time Shang Yang's Reform Governing the State Through Reforms and Educating the People by Changing Rites King Wuling of Zhao's Reform Enacting Laws Timely and Prescribing Rites Accordingly Chapter Three Reform the Present Based on the Past Guangwu Reform: Appropriate Move at Right Time Xiaowen Sinicization: Reform to Begin Anew Chapter Four Changing to Shake off Poverty and Being Ready for Change All the Time Fan Zhongyan Reforms: Changes Sustain the Longevity of His Career Wang Anshi Reforms: Taking the Proper Way and Avoiding the Beaten Track Zhang Juzheng Reforms: The Extreme Must Be Changed and the Change to Trigger New Development Classic Quotes |