内容推荐 “法不阿贵,绳不挠曲”是法家经典《韩非子》中的名言,强调法律面前人人平等,表明中国古人追求法律公正的美好愿景。在古老中国,法律从一个相较模糊的概念,到成为治理国家的主要手段,到建立起系统完备的法律体系,经过了漫长的历史岁月。本书在历史史实的基础上,以故事的形式向读者展现了中国古人维护法律公正的所思所想、所作所为。当今中国法治建设的成就正是基于对前人经验的继承和改良,是对古老中国法治经验的总结和超越。 作者简介 黄少雄,中共中央党校伦理学博士,中国传统文化促进会《群书治要》传承委员会理事,曾参与《<群书治要〉译注》修订,在《学习时报》《中国纪检监察报》《社会治理》《武陵学刊》等发表文章多篇。 目录 Publisher's Notes Foreword Introduction Chapter One The Overt Act of Making Law I. The Earliest Legal Code II. The Tang Code III. Public Education on Law Chapter Two The Strict Enforcement of Law I. Shang Yang's Penal Reform II. The Clubs Hung at Yamen III. Full Penalty on the Emperor's Brother-in-Law IV. Bao Zheng, an Upright Official Chapter Three Great Practitioners of Law I. A Taboo on Pursuing Personal Interests II. Guo Ziyi, a Faithful Adherent of Law III. Hai Rui, a “Hard-Bone” Official IV. Yu Chenglong, “the Most Honest Official” Chapter Four Imposing the Penalty Prudently I. Awarding Penalty with Discretion II. Han Emperor Easing Penalty III. Confucius Placing Education Above Punishment Classic Quotes |