内容推荐 “亲仁善邻、协和万邦”的外交思想是中华文明的古老智慧,也是今日中国一贯的外交之道。本书以人物和事件为主线,兼顾知识性与趣味性、历史性与现代性,以讲小故事的方式来讲述中国古人的亲仁善邻、协和万邦处世之道。从尧舜时代到汉唐盛世,从邦国林立到天下一家,从丝绸之路到郑和下西洋,从玄奘西行到鉴真东渡等故事,涉及到古代中囯的政治、经济、文化、社会等多方面。走过了几千年的历史长河,亲仁善邻、协和万邦的外交思想依旧闪耀着光彩夺目的思想文化价值,是中华民族为当今世界和平与发展、为推动构建人类命运共同体所奉献的中国智慧与中囯风采。 作者简介 李红姗,中共中央党校哲学硕士,中国传统文化促进会《群书治要》传承委员会理事。曾参与《<群书治要〉译注》的修订和《〈群书治要〉通识课》的撰写。在《学习时报》《中国纪检监察报》《中国档案报》等发表论文多篇。 目录 Publisher's Notes Foreword Introduction Chapter One Equality, Respect, Inclusiveness and Mutual Learning Duke Huan of Qi's Respect for the State of Yan Monk Xuanzang's Pilgrimage to India Monk Jianzhen's Voyages to Japan Chapter Two Good Faith, Justice and Mutually Beneficial Cooperation Duke Wen of Jin's Victory on the Basis of Good Faith Duke Mu of Qin's Choice The Birth of the “Porcelain Road” Chapter Three Good Neighborliness and Partnership From Hostility to Friendship: A Dispute over Melons The Disastrous Consequence of Helping Those Who Try to Attack Your Neighbors Chapter Four Harmony and Shared Prosperity A Ming Emperor's “Non-Aggression” Approach Shi Bo's Prediction Based on a Harmony–Uniformity Analysis Wang Xuance's Missions to India Classic Quotes |