内容推荐 《新编英国文学选读》是适合大学英语本科高年级英国文学课需要的,编排方法更为新颖、合理、实用的英国文学选读本。我们在研究、参考了国内外现有的同类型教材的基础上,针对我国本科英语专业英国文学课教学的实际情况,精选了英国文学重要时期的代表作家与作品,反映了英国文学的大致轮廓。除了借鉴其他教材特色外(如重要时代、作家、作品附简介,作品附注释和思考题等),《新编英国文学选读》还有如下三个特色。 首先,重要作品后附解读举例,提出两三种可能的解读方法供学生参考,以拓展学生的思路。对不适合进行多种解读的作品则提供简评,以起抛砖引玉之作用。 其次,每位作家及其作品后附推荐书目,以供对该作家或作品感兴趣的学生进一步研究使用。 最后,在全书末尾附欧洲与英国历史、文学的大事记年表,将英国文学置于欧洲文化的大背景下,勾勒出英国历史、文学的发展线索,以方便读者。《新编》除原著与问题外,其余均用中文编写,以扩大读者面。 目录 Middle English Literature1449-1485 Geoffrey Chaucer The Canterbury Tales English Renaissance William Shakespeare Hamlet Sonnets English Literature of the Early/Mid Seventeenth Century1485-1603 John Donne AValediction:Forbidding Mourning John Milton Paradise Lost The Restoration and Eighteenth Century English Literature1603-1660 Daniel Defoe Robinson Crusoe Jonathan Swith Gulliver’s Travels Samuel Richardson Pamela;or Virtue Rewarded Henry Fielding Tom Jones English Romanticism1789-1832 William Blake The Chimney Sweeper(1,2) Robert Burns ARed.RedRose Auld Lang Syne William Wordsworth My Heart Leaps up I Wandered Lonely as a Cloud Samuel Taylor Coleridge The Rime ofthe Ancient Mariner Kubla Khan;or,a Vision in a Dream George Gordon Byron She Walks in Beauty The Isles ofGreece Percy Bysshe Shelley Ode to the West Wind To a Skylark John Keats Odeto aNightingale ToAutumn Jane Austen Pride and Prejudice Mary Shelley Frankenstein;or,The Modem Prometheus English Literature of the Victorian Age1832-1901 Alfred,Lord Tennyson Ulysses Crossing the Bar Robert Browning My Last Duchess Home Thoughts.FromAbroad Charles Dickens David Copperfield Charlotte Bront Jane Eyre Emily Bront Wuthering Heights George Eliot Silas Mamer English Literature in the Twentieth Century1900-1945 Thomas Hardy Tess of the Durbervilles George Bernard Shaw Pygmalion Joseph Conrad Heart Of Darkness William Butler Yeats When You Are 0ld The Lake Isle ofInnisfree James Joyce Eveline Virginia Woolf Mrs.Dalloway Wystan Hugh Auden Muse des BeauxArts In Memory of W.B.Yeats Comtemporary English Literature1945- William Golding Lord ofthe Flies Doris Lessing The Golden Notebook John Fowels The French Lieutenant’s Woman V.S.Naipaul Halfa Lif Julian Barnes A History of the World in 10 1/2 Chapters Ian McEwan Atonement Kazuo Ishiguro Never Let Me Go 附录:英语基本文学词汇表 |