内容推荐 《自然拼读教学指南》是基于2022年版《英语义务教育新课标》中基本的英语语音知识要求所编著的融语音拼读规则(自然拼读)教学内容、教学体系及教学方法于一体的,以提升义务教育阶段学生基本拼读能力、拼写能力及阅读能力为目的的一本教学指南。 本书一共分为四个章节,第一章着重介绍了语音教学相关的基本概念及语音教学对于英语读写能力发展的重要性。第二章详细讲解了辅音音素及元音音素的发音规则。第三章主要介绍了现今最流行的自然拼读语音规则教学的三种主流模式、不规则拼读词汇教学策略及拼读规则复习巩固策略。第四章详尽而具体地以教学示例的方式呈现了最适合中国学生的自然拼读语音规则教学模式。书末,作者还依据2022年版《英语义务教育新课标》整理了辅音、元音音素,拼读模块及视觉词汇教学参考词汇表。 总体来说,本书可谓由浅入深、循序渐进的让大家学习自然拼读语音规则及其教学的方方面面。因此,不论是对于英语学科专业师范生、职前英语教师、在职英语教师还是对于小学生家长来说,均可以算得上是一本自然拼读语音规则必备的手边工具书兼自然拼读语音规则教学方面的百科全书。 作者简介 尹国杰,四川阆中人,博士,绵阳师范学院外国语学院副教授,主要研究方向为课程与教学论、英语教师教育。先后在国内外学术期刊发表学术论文20余篇;主持四川省教育厅、四川省人文社会科学重点研究基地及绵阳市社科联重点科研项目多项,主研及参研省部级及其他科研项目多项;担任绵阳师范学院承办的国家级、省级及地方中、小学教师培训项目英语学科首席专家;主要承担绵阳师范学院外国语学院英语教学法系列课程的理论及实践教学工作。 目录 Section 1 Phonics-Related General Knowledge 1.1 What is Phonics 1.2 What is Phonics Instruction 1.3 What is Synthetic Phonics Instruction 1.4 What is the Systematic Synthetic Phonics Approach 1.5 What are the Benefits of the SSP Approach 1.6 What is the Correlation between Phonics and Reading 1.7 Two Prerequisites of Phonics Instruction 1.8 The 44 Speech Sounds of English 1.9 What is a Consonant 1.10 What is a Consonant Sound 1.11 What is a Vowel 1.12 What is a Vowel Sound 1.13 What is a Digraph (Letter Team/ Letter Pair) 1.14 What is a Vowel Digraph 1.15 What is a Consonant Digraph 1.16 What is a Diphthong 1.17 What is a Consonant Cluster 1.18 What is a Consonant Blend 1.19 What is an Onset-Rime 1.20 What is a Phonogram 1.21 What is a Syllable 1.22 What is an Open Syllable 1.23 What is a Closed Syllable 1.24 What is a Stable Syllable 1.25 Syllable Juncture Patterns 1.26 Four Basic One-Syllable Pattens in English 1.27 What is Phonemic Awareness 1.28 What is Phonological Awareness 1.29 Phonemic Awareness and Phonological Awareness 1.30 Phonemic Awareness Skills 1.31 The Development of Phonemic Awareness 1.32 The Importance of Phonemic Awareness Section 2 Phonics Decoding Rules 2.1 Vowel Sounds 2.2 Consonant Sounds 2.3 Phonograms (Word Families) Section 3 Phonics Instruction Approaches 3.1 Necessities of Phonics Instruction 3.2 Introduction to Phonics Instruction 3.3 The Synthetic Phonics Instruction Approach 3.4 The Analytic Phonics Instruction Approach 3.5 The Analogy Phonics Instruction Approach 3.6 Key Characteristics of the Effective Synthetic Phonies Instruction Approach 3.7 Scope and Sequence of the SSP Instruction Approach 3.8 Alphabet Recognition Requirements 3.9 Guidelines for Alphabet Instruction 3.10 Benefits of Alphabet Books 3.11 Tips for Teaching with Alphabet Books 3.12 Sight Words, High-Frequency Words and Irregulars 3.13 "Irregulars" in the English language 3.14 Suggested Teaching Steps for High-Frequency Words 3.15 The Most Frequent Word List 3.16 Definition of Decodable Text 3.17 Characteristics of Decodable Text 3.18 Benefits of Decodable Text 3.19 Summary of Synthetic Phonics Instruction Procedures Section 4 Guidelines for and Sample Lessons in the SSP Model 4.1 Alphabet Recognition Instruction with Alphabet Books 4.2 Single Consonant Instruction in the SSP Model 4.3 Consonant Digraphs Instruction in the SSP Model 4.4 Consonant Clusters Instruction in the SSP Model 4.5 Silent Consonant Letters Instruction in the SSP Model (Optional When Needed) 4.6 Short Vowel Sounds Instruction in the SSP Model 4.7 Long Vowel Sounds Instruction in the SSP Model 4.8 Other Vowel Sounds Instruction in the SSP Model 4.9 Instruction of Phonograms, Sight Words and Irregulars 4.10 Discussion on Rules and Generalisations 4.11 Phonics Lesson Don'ts 4.12 Phonics Lesson Dos Appendices Word List for Instruction Reference Part Ⅰ Consonant Sounds List Part Ⅱ Vowel Sounds List Part Ⅲ Phonograms Part Ⅳ Sight Words List References 中文版词典 第1章 概述 1.1 自然拼读(Phonics) 1.2 自然拼读教学(Phonics Instruction) 1.3 自然拼读综合教学法(Synthetic Phonics Instruction) 1.4 系统综合自然拼读教学模式(SystematicSynthetic Phonics Instruction Mode.) 1.5 系统综合自然拼读教学模式的益处 1.6 自然拼读和阅读之间的关系 1.7 开始自然拼读教学的两个先决条件 1.8 英语的44个音素 1.9 辅音字母 1.10 辅音音素 1.11 元音宇母 1.12 元音音素 1.13 二合字母(Digraph) 1.14 元音二合字母(Vowel Digraph) 1.15 辅音二合字母(Consonant Digraph) 1.16 双元音音素(Diphthong) 1.17 辅音字母连缀(Consonant Cluster) 1.18 辅音音素连缀(Consonant Blend) 1.19 首一尾音/声母一韵母(Onset-Rime) 1.20 |